Breitbart News

Saturday, November 23, 2019


HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- The Liberty County District Attorney has been arrested for assault in downtown Houston. Logan Pickett, 38, was taken into custody Saturday morning at the Westin Houston Downtown hotel, according to Houston police.

Pickett's wife told the hotel front desk clerk that she and her husband were at an event at Minute Maid Park and went to dinner before returning to the hotel. She said she found out after dinner that Pickett had been having an affair for the past 15 months, according to police, causing an argument to begin. That is when police say he pushed his wife, causing her to hit her head. Medics on the scene determined she needed three stitches to close her wound, but police say she refused medical attention. Pickett is charged with assault against a family member, a class A misdemeanor.

After confirming that the couple was attending an event, Pickett told police he had nothing more to say. Pickett was sworn in as the Liberty County District Attorney in 2013. He graduated from South Texas College of Law in 2006, according to the Texas Bar Association.

Prior District Attorney Michael Little left office in 2012 after he was accused of trading sexual favors with criminal defendants male and female. Michael Little placed Logan Picket into office to take his place. Logan Pickets dad, Carl Pickett Mayor of Liberty Texas, in a Quid Pro Quo move appointed Michael Little as Liberty Texas Municipal Judge. When Michael Little appointed Logan Pickett as interim District Attorney, Liberty Dispatch warned Liberty County there were serious allegations of Logan Pickett beating his wife in Harris County and Liberty County. It is also alleged Logan got out of his continued pattern of domestic violence through his father’s connections as Mayor of Liberty, Texas.

The Liberty County corruption continues .... the Lord has much work left to do in Liberty County. The curse continues until the Liberty County corruption swamp is drained. Who will fall next?



Anonymous said...

Smug little prick. I hate the Picketts.... Wife beating punk, like to see him hit me.

Anonymous said...

Entitled Pickett, his dad is trash too looking the other way for many years. I have paid some of the highest electric bills in my life because of these deep state swamp caricatures. Liberty can never move forward of grow until these kinds of cancers are cut out.

Anonymous said...

The Picketts have literally destroyed Liberty County, they need to be sent packing. They are the original RINO swamp. I wouldn't vote any Pickett for dog catcher.

Anonymous said...

The Harris County DA pulled Pickett's Concealed Weapons Carry Permit, but he is still allowed to perform as DA? Pickett needs to step down as DA.

Anonymous said...

First Joe Warren, that tubby criminal and his bitch Dan Bradley snake in the grass pedophile. Then Picket the serial wife beater.. the sludge is getting cleaned out of the DA’s office. Oh, it all started with LD outing Michael Little DA trading sex for reduced sentences, pervert homo... sent packing. With elder Liberty Mayor, Carl Pickett giving him a job as municipal judge. (Quid Pro Quo) The light is starting to shine into Liberty County. Liberty County has a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving...!

Anonymous said...

A fairly large percentage of cases that come up in front of the grand jury in Liberty County are for domestic violence. How is this D.A. going to go in and recommend indictment when the citizens serving on the grand jury and the defendant might know what he has been doing to his wife for years is no different than what he is responsible for prosecuting?