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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Election Commentary

One Democrat was solidly defeated and one snuck in, here in Liberty County last night.

We are thrilled to see Matthew Poston take the County Attorney position. We wish him well.

Mark and Liz Beausoliel should perhaps consider returning to the Democratic Party and taking Todd Fontenot with them.

Ernest Bailes proves once again John Otto's dirty lobby money can buy anything around here. We will keep our eyes on Mr. Bailes to a level he cannot even imagine going forward. Next cycle, Mr. Bailes will have a record he will have to defend. And, if we were betting people here at Liberty Dispatch, we'd bet it'll be fairly horrible enough to make him easily beatable.

Liberty Dispatch holds high hopes that Mr. Daniels, the new incoming Republican Chairman, can create a decent and respectable party that has been desperately needed in Liberty County for some time. Liberty Dispatch has it on good word Mr. Daniels will be a fair Chairman and we can expect a professionalism outgoing Chairman Ken Coleman seems to have all but lost.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Letter To The Editor

This reader actually included his name and said we could use it. Refreshing change!

Dear Liberty County Voters,

As of tomorrow, it will all be over. We all will get a much needed break from political ads and mailers. Those that work on campaigns will get a much needed break as well. However, the results will matter and have a lasting impact. I have no doubt Ernest Bailes is a great man. I know Keith Strahan is. I have decided to send this out to a few friends on behalf of the vote tomorrow. In addition, I have also sent calls out to my entire precinct this evening to help turn out voters for Keith Strahan.

While both men can be great men, that we have to choose from tomorrow, they cannot both win. I can attest, personally, that running for public office is not an easy task. Whether it be a simple Precinct Chair race or a race for a seat inside a grassroots group, you give it your all and you believe in your reasons for running. I have not known Keith Strahan as long as some in this community. I have known him as long as I have been involved here in the local Republican Party and the Republican Liberty Caucus.  Knowing the pressure and hardship one goes through to seek this office, I am immeasurably proud of him for doing this. Keith did this because of his love of this community and his love for the people of Texas - Nothing more, nothing less. He sees what many Conservative Republicans see in our Texas House, and have seen for years. A heavy air of dysfunction hangs over that pink dome. We have Republican Leadership allowing the murder of babies while our speaker kills all legislative advancements to stop abortion in Texas. We have a Republican led House that continues to saddle unsuspecting Texans with more and more debt. We have a border that pours in illegal immigrants and human trafficking in untold numbers. We have had past representation here in HD 18 that has given little, if any, attention to the true needs of this district. Mr. Otto’s newspaper blurbs about doing something in Austin, which was usually beneficial to some special interests, served as a brief reminder that someone in a city far away was doing things that failed to represent home.

What we must break free of, in our county, is this obsession that because we know someone and that someone is a good Christian man he's the right man. That doesn't mean that person is right for the job of leadership. Also, stating facts, that may be uncomfortable to hear by candidates and their followers, isn't mud-slinging when they are true statements and they will impact the behavior of that person in the job for which he is applying.

Ernest Bailes lives in San Jacinto County and Keith Strahan lives in Liberty County. I don't care what you hear, both of those facts are true. I know how Keith has fought to educate an electorate in our area. I have seen him at local Republican meetings. I have seen him on forums and panels discuss his belief system and his vision of government from Houston to Beaumont to Dayton. I have had many discussions with him on Conservative topics and local issues for years. I have never seen Ernest Bailes at a Republican event until he decided to run for office. I can count the number of Republican events I have missed in the last 8 years on a few fingers, so I can tell you factually, Liberty County Conservatives were of no concern to Mr. Bailes prior to this election. The Republican Party was also of no concern to Mr. Bailes prior to this election. I saw him show up at one meeting and simply regurgitate a line or two from a County Chairman who was recently defeated, which included the belief that property tax abolishment was not a Republican belief. For a point of information, this is actually a legislative priority in the 2016 Republican Party of Texas Platform.  

I have been involved in enough elections to know how to follow money and to know, no matter what a candidate says, who will be controlling those votes. It was for this reason, though I found Wes Hinch a nice guy, his being 97% funded by John Otto made him a poor choice for State Representative. Mr. Bailes has huge amounts of funding from leadership PACs in Austin. The worst, I am sure everyone has seen by now, was the donation by Charles Butt of HEB of $15,000.00. Mr. Butt has worked endlessly spending his fortune fighting Conservatives in the State of Texas. He has fought open carry of firearms, he has fought school choice and he has supported amnesty and illegal immigration. Texas Farm Bureau, though a great support system to local farmers, has given Bailes a huge sum of money while they have advocated for amnesty and illegal immigration in Texas.  So, while I can clearly forgive some offhand backers that may be bad apples, when I see a candidate clearly bought and paid for, I take an issue with that. I take an issue when a man I have never seen invested in the Conservative Movement runs for office and is backed by all of the money that has been spent to literally kill and stop all Conservative advancements in the Texas House. I take an issue that he claims to represent the Conservative issues that are important to my party, but hasn't sat in on a party discussion or event in the last 8 years.

This, my friends, is not mud-slinging, these are the facts of the election before us now. We can reclaim our district and send a true Conservative to Austin, or we can continue to send future lobbyists in training like Mr. Bailes to Austin. We have the chance to add to the numbers of members fighting for Conservative legislation in the House, or we can send someone, to get along with the Democrats and corrupt leadership, who will work to stop true Conservative policies in Texas from becoming law. Please, choose the only Conservative Republican in this race. Please, vote for Keith Strahan for HD 18 Representative.

In Liberty,
Jeff LeBlanc
Chairman - Republican Liberty Caucus of Texas
Precinct Chairman Elect- Precinct 10, Dayton Texas

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Election Law? Maybe its a math inefficiency?

We have great readers here at Liberty Dispatch. We appreciate all the information we receive. Clearly, some think Election Law doesn't apply to them, practice common core math, or just don't know feet? If Ernest Bailes' campaign can't follow Election Law, how can he be trusted to make law? Hopefully, this good citizen informed the Election Judge as well as us.

*All electioneering must done at least 100' beyond polling locations, by law

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Justin Johnston Best Option for Constable Pct. 1

Liberty Dispatch highly recommends Justin Johnston for Constable, Pct 1. 

Remember during early voting, Keith Strahan for HD 18, Matthew Poston for County Attorney, and Justin Johnston for Constable, Pct. 1. 

Bailes - More Liberal Funding

Now that early voting has begun, we here at Liberty Dispatch want to remind you of a few facts as well as a final reminder to always follow the money. However, the most important thing we can do is remind you all to get out and vote. Of course we'd prefer you choose Strahan over Bailes and Poston over Beausoleil, but no matter what, vote!

Any Texas Conservative worth their salt knows who Charles Butt is. He is the man behind the HEB grocery chain. He also gave Ernest Bailes (candidate for HD 18) $15,000.00. For those of you who may not know about Mr. Butt, you're in for a shock.

"Charles Butt, the Texas billionaire magnate behind the H-E-B supermarket chain which forbid the open carry of firearms law that went into effect January 1, 2016, opposes school choice, funds anti-school choice lobbyists, and is even credited for his role in killing a 2011 state bill banning “sanctuary cities.”"- BreitBart, 1-3-2016      

"More than 85 percent of Texas Republicans voted to bring competition to public education, but one Texas billionaire is spending his money to make sure kids are trapped in failing schools."- EmpowerTexans, 1-18-2016

"Charles Butt and Texas Parent PAC are dumping money into legislative campaigns as the primary approaches. Parent PAC is a liberal group ostensibly dedicated to education. Really, the group seeks to maintain a status quo in which Texans fatten education interest groups in a system that continues to under-perform at educating children..... Charles Butt has been the outfit's main benefactor since its inception." - 2-26-2014

That is correct, Bailes has taken money from one of Conservative Republican's biggest enemies in Texas. Butt has opposed our Texas Values at every turn from the open carry of firearms, to supporting illegal immigration and blocking school choice. Remember, Republican voters voted overwhelmingly to de-fund sanctuary cities, while one of Mr. Bailes major donors has fought to keep cheap labor and illegal immigration alive and well in Texas. Also, we noticed former Rep. John Otto has added an additional $10,000.00 to Mr. Bailes. That puts John now in over $60,000.00 between two candidates to stop Mr. Strahan from taking this seat.

So, in review, we can clearly see Mr. Balies has been funded by many establishment PAC's. He has now retained almost all of John Otto's old PAC money. Mr. Otto himself seems to have a vested interest against Mr. Strahan. When big money joins forces this hard to prevent a popular candidate the people supported (1st Place Vote Total)  over money, when life isn't that important, when property tax relief for the working man is dismissed as being naive, then you know the guy all of that interest is pointed at- is the guy you NEED to support.  Big money fears the people and the election of representatives who they can't control more than anything else. We are confident Bailes will govern as a puppet to Austin money. Liberty Dispatch cannot make it any more clear how Ernest Bailes does not represent Conservative Values. We're even more concerned over him now that he is in bed with illegal immigration supporters like Charles Butt. 

Why does Ernest continue to gobble up liberal special interest money? 

Ernest Bailes; Liberal Republican - Bad for Liberty County, Bad for Texas

Monday, May 16, 2016

Beausoleil Suffers Amnesia; Bad For District

As posted in the Cleveland Advocate on 5/15/2016, Mark Beausoleil claims he has 'been a Republican as long as he can remember'. At this point, we here at Liberty Dispatch are more concerned over his metal retention abilities more than ever.

Mr. Beausoleil served under Democrat Jack Hartel for over 9 years in the County Attorney's office and sought this office himself as a Democrat before. His wife is also the former chairwoman of the Liberty County Democrat Party. Mr. Beausoleil was also mixed up in past Liberty County scandals and possible mail fraud.

This election has brought us many false conservatives in republican clothing. Voters beware. If you truly want a Republican Representative, vote for one, not past, crooked Democrat Party hierarchy.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Liberty Dispatch Link Update

Like the old Liberty Dispatch, you can now type into your browser and find us. We would like to thank you all, detractors and loyal fans for the years you have followed us through some crazy ups and downs. Love us or hate us, we have always been there to inform and question those who would seek to take our constitutional rights from us... God bless Texas and Liberty County!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Follow The Money- Always

Always follow the money! In most political situations, that is always the best answer to any questions one may have. Liberty Dispatch has shown that Bailes is clearly owned by special interest PAC money from Austin and big business. But, likely what concerns conservatives most is his money connections locally.  

As we addressed here, Bailes' major contributions locally raise eyebrows as well. His connections with Democrats and others involved in past embarrassing Liberty County scandals and Federal Indictments is a glaring example of such things. 

Our question here at Liberty Dispatch is, are we really conservatives, or are we merely Republican's of convenience? Believe it or not, THIS election answers that question. 

Liberal Republican candidate bought by outside money, or Constitutional Conservative for the people? It is your choice HD 18, choose wisely. 

Sunday, May 8, 2016

This Week- Bailes Facts

As we close in on the final two weeks of the local runoffs, Liberty Dispatch will continue to put forth the facts on Ernest Bailes and his backing by Austin Lobbyists and Corrupt RINO Leadership Straus organizations. As we know, this final stretch will stuff our mailboxes with plenty of political ads from both campaigns. If what we have seen from Bailes is any indication, we're sure it will be more lies. We must decide if we want special interests buying our district, or if we want voters electing a representative of the people here.

While Liberty Dispatch is completely fine with angered Bailes supporters, as much as they protest, we can back up every claim they make with facts and citations. The opposition- not so much, as we saw with branding Mr. Strahan as a Personal Injury Lawyer, which was false. Liberty Dispatch, unlike some in local leadership (We'll deal with those next election), will back our hometown candidate. Not because he is just that, but because he is the ONLY conservative in this race. And, you're either a Republican or you aren't. Saying so without action- is empty.

Dear Mr. Beausoleil, we intend to continue to remind voters in these final days about your liberal pass and shady mail fraud accusations.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

A Better Ad

Here at Liberty Dispatch we couldn't help but notice the numbers of emails we received about a political ad ran by Ernest Bailes in a local paper.  After a brief laugh and some review, we decided we could likely do better while being more honest. 

Here's Mr. Bailes' ad in all it's simple glory: (What's an unmarried bachelor?)

Here's ours:

One of these candidates is clearly an Austin owned candidate. One, has given his care locally to Liberty County as a youth pastor, teacher, and grassroots conservative. But, we welcome Mr. Bailes to continue to tell us something we in Liberty know better. Keith Strahan is one of us, born and raised.  

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

UPDATED: TLR; Once An Ally, Now An Anti-Conservative PAC

Ernest Bailes was endorsed by another big money, anti-conservative PAC yesterday, and in the usual fashion seems proud to be backed by another PAC connected to Joe Straus  that waters down Conservative Values. TLR (Texans for Lawsuit Reform) once was a champion for issues many supported. However, as with most large money PAC's, over time dissolved into nothing more than a big money campaign against usually good conservatives in favor of more moderate RINO's. While TLR had good interests at heart in its roots, eventually some legislation they wanted became too much of a crony capitalism organization for Republicans that held solid principles above favoring certain industries. At that time, it all began to fall apart. Since then, they have supported moderate Republicans and even pro-choice Republicans.

Back in 2009 & 2011, the tides began to turn against TLR.

"The conservative movement in politics has always been populated by two basic kinds of actors. One kind are the true believers, the “life and liberty conservatives”. True believers are all soldiers in the same army. Legislators of this stripe can be counted on to be solidly conservative on every issue, and can also be counted on to side with the people on unpopular fiscally conservative votes that specially privilege crony conservatives.....The other kind are “business conservatives”, in the fight to improve business conditions for themselves and/or those who sponsor them. As fiscal conservatives, they are unreliable when a big government vote helps one of their sponsors. Socially, they are only as conservative as they have to be to get elected. Social issues generally aren’t “compass” issues for them."

"On the whole, TLR's actions can be viewed as a show of support for Speaker Joe Straus. In spite of the connections Straus' leaders have with liberals and his stalling of conservative measures like spending limits in 2009 and 2011, TLR's issue is safe." Further information about this is covered here as well:

Even leading Conservative voice Dr. Hotze has weighed in against TLR's activities and its support of pro-choice candidates like Sarah Davis: "(TLR), a bi-partisan organization formed to support common sense reforms in civil justice in Texas back in the 1990’s, that has helped elect dozens upon dozens of pro-choice, anti-family Democrats who they have funded with millions of dollars. They have also supported Republican Sarah Davis, the only openly pro-choice Republican in the Texas Legislature because they support TLR’s pro-business lawsuit agenda"- (via Texas Conservative Review)

King makers? "The people who provided most of TLR's PAC money made fortunes in industries with heavy legal liabilities... these industries include: the chemical and energy industries (toxic pollution, accidents); builders (injured workers and lemon homes); property managers (premises liability); accounting and investment firms (securities lawsuits) and medical manufacturers (patient injuries). In Texas-where there are no limits on most political contributions-the influence of the TLR tycoons extends far beyond their tort money. TLR's top 24 donors spent a total of at least $4.5 million to influence Texas politics in the 2000 election cycle. Houston homebuilder Bob Perry spent an astounding $912,500 in the 2000 cycle. In fact, all but three of TLR's top 15 donors gave more than $100,000 apiece to Texas PACs and candidates. Such donors go beyond mere political influence: they are king makers whose personal checks can determine who wins or loses a competitive race."-

Bottom line, once again, it is shown most of these major PAC's in Texas are not only focused on their pet issues, but tend to let all other Conservative issues fall by the wayside. Their advancement is paramount, not principles.

Liberty Dispatch continues to find more information daily about the ties to the Bailes campaign by liberal agenda leadership groups and PAC's. Once again, the King makers have started to try to buy our votes in Liberty County. Do we want to once again sell our representation to big money? Or, are we looking for a true conservative representative of us locally?  One man in this race is clearly being bought by special interests, one is not. Make the right choice.

UPDATED (4:22 PM) Some interesting information was sent in late this afternoon to us. Is this the organization Mr. Bailes is so proud of gaining the support of? Pro-Choice Representation and Gay Marriage supporting Republicans and Democrats? The biggest reaper of TRL's funding this primary season? 


He once sat on the Board of Directors for Planned Parenthood. He ran in the 2016 Democratic Primary against State Rep. Sergio Munoz (D-Mission RER18).  His name is Abraham Padron.
Abraham Padron was the single biggest TLR stakes winner for the 2016 primary – in either party.  The “conservative” graciousness of real estate mogul Dick Weekley and Texans for Lawsuit Reform PAC (TLR) endowed the Padron campaign with a cool $173,500 according the Texas Ethics Commission filings – about the equivalent of the yearly salary of a United States member of the Senate or House of Representatives.  Weekley flipped over an easy $10,000 under his own name from his pocket change.

Monday, May 2, 2016

How It All Connects

As we get closer to the runoff election in HD 18, Liberty Dispatch wanted to review our recent posts about the State Representative race. We clearly showed a local Chairman going rogue. We provided video and emails of the lengths people have gone to in order to advance their agenda's over the will of even those elected to represent the people in the Republican party. We showed some of the money going into the Bailes campaign and how some of the same people that have been involved in all of the other issues we have in Liberty County are involved in his campaign. Lastly, we covered the consulting firm Bailes has used and some of the shenanigans they have been involved in throughout the state. These articles add up to show a picture of someone in bed with the establishment politics that we in Liberty County have tried to break free from for years.

While we are aware Bailes fans are angered, we only have shown that which some do not want to see. Some thought our attack on Murphy-Nasica somehow translated into Bailes being like the company he was keeping. We were glad to see this angered some. Why? Clearly, they did not want to see the crowd behind the curtain of his campaign. Yet, how soon many have forgotten, it was Bailes himself that stood up in public and suggested the untruths about Mr. Strahan first. He was used by the outgoing leadership in Liberty County  to send a message out that only fed their agenda. How easily one was swayed by local outgoing leaders before doing research only speaks to how easily one is swayed in Austin.  

So, what are we left with? We can clearly show through documented sourcing what we have stated. The Bailes campaign however, can only say Mr. Strahan is something he is not. He is attacked because he's a business attorney. Yet, every business owner, even Mr. Bailes himself, have no issue calling on people like Mr. Strahan for legal counsel in their business. Mr. Strahan is scorned by the Bailes campaign for caring for his aging parents. Liberty Dispatch takes a different view of this situation and sees nothing wrong with a son helping his parents. We could only wish more in our society felt compelled to return the love and care our parents gave us as children when they are elders.  And, of course, how can we forget the glaring statement that somehow Mr. Strahan has no grasp on taxation issues because he doesn't own property? Clearly, being a property owner doesn't make much of a difference in  taxation education as Mr. Bailes thinks property taxation is a good thing and even considers that thinking of alternative methods is naive. Yet, 75% of Republican voters disagree with him here, which they clearly stated in the last primary when supporting Prop 1. Liberty Dispatch feels by this alone, Mr. Strahan clearly has more of a concept of taxation than Mr. Bailes does.

In the end, all Liberty Dispatch has done is applied the same innuendos Bailes has tried to hitch to Mr. Strahan and applied them to himself. Clearly, turnabout doesn't please them. Imagine that?


As we promised, we'd like to share a little historical reference to our past here in Liberty County and while the times may change, the names remain the same. Remember our past and our old Democrat guard now alive and well in Republican clothing as you vote in the the runoff elections. Unfortunately for Mr. Beausoliel, Liberty Dispatch has not forgotten his past. 

(Liberty Dispatch-2013) Forty years after the Watergate scandal, we can all be reminded of how what happened was all too much like politics and how some people decide what is right and wrong based off of how their party or their friends are effected by it. We can be reminded a local crime and its cover up.
The Watergate scandal was a political scandal that occurred in the United States in the 1970s as a result of the June 17, 1972 burglary of the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. The scandal was worsened by the Nixon administration's attempted cover-up of its involvement and its attempts to stop any legal actions concerning the crimes. It changed the nation as Nixon resigned and it jaded generations of voters’ views of how honest government was.
Of course, Liberty County has nothing that is comparable to Watergate in many respects. But one local crime and the way it was handled has plenty of similarities. Unfortunately one of the differences is that the local crime was covered up much more successfully than Watergate.

The crime written about here is of course the mail theft case. The case involved political enemies illegally tampering with mail and then attempting to use the mail to damage a political enemy’s re-election bid. The facts of the case also involved a brief case full of  cash being paid to someone in the courthouse who could have been a potential witness.

In the Watergate scandal, Nixon tries to neuter anyone who was too vigilante in pursuing prosecution. The local mail fraud case is just the opposite. The federal investigator left the case for local District Attorney to handle when it was determined that the mail was not stolen from an official U.S. postal office. It is fair to assume the video showing one of the key perpetrators faxing copies of the mail from an out of town Kinko’s and other FBI evidence would have been readily available to Liberty County’s D.A., but the District Attorney never got an indictment.

A few months ago the statute of limitations ran out and this case appears to leave no way for law enforcement to pursuit. For a short time late in 2012 rumors abound of a grand jury pursuing this case and the Phil Fitzgerald case, but the rumors were followed up by news that the grand jury that was suppose to be looking at the evidence was suddenly and inexplicably dismissed.
The dismissal of that grand jury and the subsequent passing of the statute of limitations, should not only leave a bad taste in people’s mouths, it should leave people wondering what would have happened if Liz Beausoliel and Mark Beausoliel and Phil Fitzgerald and D.A. Mike Little would have been forced to testify in front of twelve Liberty County jurors. In the future Mike Little and others will be called as witnesses where there has been selective prosecution in Liberty County and have to testify and explain their actions and inaction during the tenure of D.A. Little.
Watergate ended with a slew of people going to prison and Nixon being the first and only President to resign from office, but some Nixon haters were still not satisfied. That leads Liberty Dispatch wondering if some of these same people are just as angry because this mail case never gained ground enough to be reviewed by a regular jury.
While Nixon successfully fired a few people that were pursuing prosecution, he was unsuccessful at beating the system. He resigned in shame. We have heard of no effort to bring justice concerning alleged effort to squelch a local grand jury and the charges law enforcement filed are in a closed case file in the Liberty Police Department.
Where are those who were so indignant about Nixon on this case? Does justice have a different standard because the case involved a D.A. some say is the Godfather of the Democratic Party? Was Nixon hated by some for being a Republican more than he was hated for his bag of dirty political tricks?
The answer is clear. Unfortunately, it confirms that not only can the D.A. indict a ham sandwich as he has claimed, but he can also give criminals a pass too.