Breitbart News

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Published: Jan 22, 2018

Washington, DC – Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), and House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Ca.) released the following statement concerning the 384 pages of new text messages between top FBI officials:

“This weekend we met to discuss the text messages and possible next steps in our oversight of these agencies. The contents of these text messages between top FBI officials are extremely troubling in terms of when certain key decisions were made by the Department of Justice and the FBI, by whom these decisions were made, and the evident bias exhibited by those in charge of the investigation. The omission of text messages between December 2016 and May 2017, a critical gap encompassing the FBI’s Russia investigation, is equally concerning. Rather than clearing up prior FBI and DOJ actions, these recently produced documents cause us to further question the credibility and objectivity of certain officials at the FBI.”


Dear President Trump,

It is imperative that you release the Memo prepared by the House Oversight Committee concerning the corruption that has been perpetrated by Senior Officials in the FBI.

We have been awaiting the release of this memo to help us understand why Hillary Clinton was not indicted. We have been awaiting the release of this memo to help us understand why a Dossier bought and paid for by the Clintons and the Democrat Party was used by the FBI to initiate an investigation into the Trump Campaign and the Trump Presidency.

Mr. President it was revealed on the Lou Dobbs Show tonight that your Chief of Staff is allowing the FBI to examine this document. Mr. President the FBI upper management has rendered itself unworthy of examination of this document. Their actions concerning this matter have created to much mistrust among the American People. I want to see the document as the Committee released it. Please do not let the FBI drag you into a cover up. We want the truth!

Andrew McCreight

"FEMA Phil" Flashback...

January 28, 2011 7:28:20 PM PST
A former Liberty County Judge and Commissioner and a local businessman have all been indicted in a hurricane fraud scheme, US Attorney John M. Bales announced on Friday. John "Phil" Fitzgerald, 51, of Liberty, Texas, Herman "Lee" Groce, 62, of Cleveland, Texas, and Mark Wayne Miksch, 52, of LaVernia, Texas, were named in a 25-count indictment returned by a federal grand jury on Jan. 26, 2011. The defendants have been summoned and will make their initial appearances on Feb. 1, 2011 before U.S. Magistrate Judge Earl S. Hines.


Before someone ask, no it is not necessary to go over and over every political scandal we have ever had in Liberty County. Unfortunately, we have had some politicians who continue to have their name placed on the ballot and also have a past history of having strained or surpassed the boundaries of the law and revealed unscrupulous and shameful behavior while holding a public trust. Below you will find one of the scandals involving Phil Fitzgerald and Mark Beausoliel. They have both run for office since this particular incident and voters rejected them in a landslide. They continue to pay the filing fee however – even changing from the Democrat party to the Republican party in hopes they can sneak back into office. We will not go over other events and behaviors of these two in this report but we do hope that no matter what kind of political tricks or last minute mudslinging might happen in this campaign season that the public record and the nightmares these two have caused in the past will help make this their last attempt to return to the scene of their follies. 

December 2011 'Memo/summary of case:

Between January 28, 2010 and February l; 2010, the mail of the 253rd District Judge Chap Cain was stolen, tampered with and' copied in the Liberty County courthouse. The 253rd District Court sits in Libe1fy and Chambers Counties. The illegally obtained copy was faxed from a Beaumont, Texas FedEx office on February 25, 2010 in an attempt to harm Judge Cain in his re-election campaign. It appears that at least two lawyers were involved in the conspiracy, Mark Beausoleil and Michelle Magnum Merendino. Based on deposition testimony developed during the investigation of the mail tampering it was learned that Mark Beausoleil shared a referral fee with a non-lawyer, Lisa Fregia. Lisa Fregia was involved in tampering with Judge Cain’s mail. 

 more later...

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Donna Brown Delusions ...

Donna Brown delusions that there was NO email or internet in the courthouse before she was elected. Donna Brown and Al Gore both created the internet- liars...

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Thursday, January 18, 2018

The Donna Brown Saga- Opening

The follow-up to looking in to all of the hullabaloo about Donna Brown will be simple and blunt and rather than provide the usual details, it will refer you to unanswered damning particulars that are already easy to find in the public domain. Liberty Dispatch has dedicated itself to better government in Liberty County, in Texas, and in the entire country without regard to political party or friendship. Donna Brown has been our most difficult test as the follow up to the original article has had to change writers’ due to friendship and the disappointment that comes with high expectations. This two article series will simply end with the following generalities in the form of suggestions and the conclusion that District Clerk Donna Brown needs to withdraw from the race and try and get her name off of the ballots before they are printed.

If Donna Brown wanted to open Purse and Perfume, a shop for women, she could have rented space near the courthouse not in the courthouse. She shouldn’t have used courthouse space and she shouldn't have run for District Clerk. If she wanted to run Drop the Kid Off Daycare, she could have rented a space near the courthouse, not use the peoples courthouse. She shouldn’t have used the courthouse and shouldn't have run for District Clerk. If Donna Brown wanted to ignore the district courts and the laws governing the District Clerk’s office she should have done anything but run for District Clerk.

Friends do not ask their friends to defend the defenseless.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Left to right: Donna "For Sale" Brown, Mark "Cashing in" Beausoleil & "FEMA Phil" Fitzgerald


When politicians have been rejected by voters after their behavior and actions have been revealed, most of us expect them to shy away not only from running for elective office, but from politics in general. Since the self-serving ways of Phil Fitzgerald and Mark Beausoliel were made public they have received nothing but rejection in very lopsided election defeats.

One need only browse prior news samples of the Fitzgerald and Beausoliel bad mouthing and vilifying the Republican Party to understand why their running is so disturbing to many. The people of Liberty County witnessed firsthand the shamelessness of two men who now remain un-repented despite the very public exposure of their self-enrichment schemes they exercised when placed in a position of public trust. 

In fact, these two remind the public of the hundreds of thousands of dollars they accrued in their public positions in more ways than one. Beausoliel not only using part of his million plus he “earned” while Assistant County Attorney to purchase a garbage pick up company to “serve” this same area (oh the irony!) and then to continue to remind the public of one of the worst most scandalous periods of time in Liberty County politics, opening a law practice tangent to Phil Fitzgerald’s son. The proximity and location of their business sign forever reminding the public of shady deals and illegal contracts – Fitzgerald - Beausoliel attorneys of law. Most in this county will work for years and not get the benefit Phil and Beausoliel sacked away “on the side” as they used the courthouse and jobs we hired them to do as the base for filling their bank accounts.

But they are shameless. Do they think voters will be ignorant enough as time passes that we would hire them again? Fitzgerald’s political signs indicate a resounding “yes” is their answer to what they think of us voters:

Here is just a sample of PHIL’s slogans he tailors on his signs for different communities: 


It was incredible PHIL spent months and months with federal prosecutors and eventually just wore them out rather than being proclaimed innocent. But even more incredible is Phil using the slogan made famous recently by Houston strong will and community spirit as they endured and continue to recover from hurricane Harvey – “HOUSTON STRONG”. Phil goes further on his signs by words of encouragement to each community to work together to overcome difficulties. Interesting since Phil has been one of the difficulties we have all had to endure and overcome. Phil did not just screw FEMA – FEMA is funded by taxes from these communities. He reminds us of the storm and the illegal way he profited from it with his campaign signs!

Like Phil, it is evident Beausoliel is no less embolden by not being forced to give back money that never should have been in his hands. Beausoliel’s signs brag he will be “fair and impartial” if elected judge. As a lowly assistant, Beausoliel could not resist the temptation that opportunity presented and never has shown any embarrassment or regret for counting out hundred dollar bills out of a brown paper bag to his accomplice in the courthouse offices.  By putting “fair and impartial” on his political signs Beausoliel may think he will scrounge up some votes from people who have lost their case in the court he wishes he could wear a black robe in, but to many more people it should remind us how right we were to send him packing the last time he tried to sneak in the courthouse hoping people had forgotten his past. Shameless…


Politics can be a dangerous place for the truth. Before Liberty Dispatch ask it’s readers to swallow the sudden fall from grace of District Clerk Donna Brown, we will require a response to some of the questions we have asked. It may be a fall or it could be an undeserved untrue push. We will know soon enough and we will report what we find out either way.

Donna Brown is the first District Clerk of Liberty County from the GOP’s side of the ballot in decades and the probability of having accumulated political enemies is likely. Or more timely enemies that come with the usual hardball politics that occur during election time could be the source of all of the negativity surrounding Donna in January of 2018.

We have heard the rumors. The accusations of “selling a line of products for women in a space that used the courthouse like a store in the mall”. Or using the first floor of the courthouse like it was “bus stop for children”.  Or in order to fulfill a campaign promise and “impress voters”- “adopting procedures and practices of recording important documents that expose her personally and the county to legal problems”. 

Soon we will independently report our findings whether pro or con as for Donna Brown. If the rumors are just rumors, we will try and find the source of the rumors and exact political payback for attacking an innocent public servant. If the rumors pan out and are true, we may encourage Donna Brown “to resign or terminate her campaign” as one of the rumors suggest she is considering.

Stay tuned.