Breitbart News

Wednesday, March 4, 2020


It is never too late to start doing the right thing and begin putting your life on the right track. They say uncontrolled anger is like a creature loose in a person's mind and taming it demands focus and dedication.

Voters are more than aware of the devastating effects on families domestic problems can cause. The election results are in and voters who have for decades returned whoever the incumbent District Attorney has been, from W.G. Woods back in the 1970's to Mike Little all the way into this century, to serve as long as they like, have decided Logan Pickett should no longer represent us in prosecuiting crime. Mike little in a cowardly move vacated office before he was indicted or voted out - under a cloud of allegations including official oppression, malicious prosecution and trading sex for reduced sentences.

Voters probably would have preferred Pickett stepping down when his behaviors became public knowledge, but many will understand that the reason this behavior has persisted for over a decade has been denial. Hopefully now Pickett is left to face the biggest challenge of his life and he will have the courage to take it head on.

The public will know soon enough. If Pickett is unable to face his demons, look for him to assert the right to serve out the remaining nine months of his term. If he wants to do what is best for him and his family however, we will all hear real soon how he and newly elected District Attorney Jennifer Berrgman have coordinated a seemless way of Pickett handing over the responsibilities of that office to her in a way that considers the public and both of their interests.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020


Women in Liberty County loudly and clearly said, "Enough!" to Logan Pickett and sent a message to any other wife beaters and sexual harrassers running for public office that no matter what their wife may tolerate,  voters would reject them at the polls.

Liberty Dispatch echoed their sentiments and knew election day was a mere formality. Jennifer Bergman Harkness answered the bell and gave voters a well qualified option and that is all that was needed to sweep Pickett out of the building he has misused and away from employees he needed to be separated from..

Whether lawsuits follow Pickett or not, voters can sleep tonight knowing the official responsible for prosecuting people for doing what he did is no longer going to be sitting in the seat of power.

The Pickett family has historically been in charge of one elected office or another for almost one hundred years. With the defeat of this Pickett, the only office the family has control of now is Logan Pickett's father's remaing years on this term as Mayor, a job that pays ten dollars a year.


The Picketts have been a historical fixture in the Liberty County political landscape. The people have spoken, there is a new dawning in Liberty County, stay tuned...