Breitbart News

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dear Editor,

Archer, Beausoliel, Hight, Little, Merendino, and Zbranek. If you didn’t know it you would think it was an A to Z law firm that covers everything. But it is far from that! What this really is as far as Liberty County voters should be concerned is coven of politicians/lawyers who are die hard Democrats. They are meeting together and planning how to deceive and how to control this county while you and I are working to make our house payment and running to our kids little league games and attending our churches.

Just think all of these men have witnessed what Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and other left wing officials are trying to do to this country and not one of them has come forward and criticized it, much less left the Democratic Party. Their silence and their affiliation with the Democratic Party speak volumes about who they really are. They are the grass ROOTS for securing the nightmare Obama has planned for capitalism and for democracy.

Some people tell me one or two of these men may run as a Republican next election. If they do voters should remember this day. They should remember people like Todd Fontenot along with these men. If these people want to claim they are Republicans then today is not too soon to do it. But they are not Republicans! And they won't be in 2012!! They are proud hard working supporters of Obama and Pelosi. How could they possibly run with Democrats now that their agenda is obvious, and then after they have not only failed to help us, but they have worked against us, claim to be Republicans?

They might want to come steal my mail. They will find in it checks being sent to pay my taxes and my electric bill and, oh my gosh, a check to one of their opponents. We voters are smarter than to sit back and allow you to form alliances with pseudo-spy-Republicans (that are really Democrats) in order to gain your way to office!



Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dear Liberty Dispatch,

I am a Republican and live here in Liberty. Last week I heard two men talking about how Republicans would have a difficult time winning this November because of the poor performance by the new Republican Sheriff.

Looking at the slate of candidates the Democrats have scraped up for this next election, the comments I overheard maybe the Democrats big strategy to get voters to vote for their candidates. It seems pretty lame, but I wanted you to know.

The “new Sheriff” evidently has two big anvils hanging around his neck that he needs to cut loose. Steve Green and a man named Kelly. These two men are what the Democrats referred to as “our ticket to victory”.

Post this if you want to, but I really just wanted your feedback and to make you guys aware we have a problem.

Concerned Republican

Saturday, April 24, 2010


It has been over a century since Thomas Nast first used an elephant to depict the Republican Party and a donkey to depict the Democrats. But even back in that day when a member of one party tried to successfully switch to another, they often found a very vigorous opposition from activists in both parties.

Here we go! Liberty County politics is full of rumors about different politicians who will likely switch their party affiliation next time they run for office. To those politicians Liberty Dispatch will take a little time to give you a primer on the pros and cons.

First, the easiest way to beat an incumbent from the opposite party is for them to switch parties and run in your primary. Primary voters are ALWAYS made up of a greater percentage of more committed, hard-working, and partisan voters. This make-up has a greater percentage of voters who have spent a considerable amount of time hoping to defeat people from the other party. The reason it is difficult to switch parties is partisan voters are more likely to reward any primary opponent with their vote than a party switcher.

Some party switchers have opted to switch parties at the very last possible second hoping to avoid any or much competition. This strategy may seem to work more often than fully disclosing to the public their intentions early in the election season, but for some candidates it will just fuel the flames. For controversial candidates, they will find activists in both sides will react to their last minute strategy with energy seldom found elsewhere in politics. The party the candidate left will have some activists that spend great amounts of energy trying to beat their defector, as will the party the candidate defected too.

In Liberty County in the 2010 Republican primary we witnessed a switch that went smooth for the local candidate. District Judge Chap Cain routed his Republican opponent after years of running for office as a Democrat. But Cain had several things going for him that helped him to get those extraordinary Election Day numbers. Earlier in 2009 Judge Cain exposed alleged corruption by Democratic County Judge Phil Fitzgerald and the circumstances surrounding the appropriation of FEMA storm recovery contracts and money. Early in 2010 Cain’s courage to take on corruption in the courthouse and the way he carried himself as a new representative of the Republican Party gained him favor with the most active and outspoken Republican activists in the county. Cain’s own popularity and across party lines appeal had already set him up for a successful switch anyway, but his appeal to crusaders for ending corruption in Liberty County helped him win in a blowout.

Others trying to do this in the future may have a more difficult time however. First, they will increasingly appear to many voters to be opportunist as they will appear to have just waited to ride the wave of success (if Republicans have more historic wins to add to the last election). People that are viewed as top dogs or first rate Democratic candidates can easily find themselves losing to people that are not seen as opportunists. Some spend all kinds of time and energy planning on switching, but if they are viewed by the most active in the Republican Party as part of the problem, they will end up being a second rate Republican. Republicans and independents alike who have worked for, and hoped for, a fresh start in Liberty County politics will have a special passion to get voters to the polls who will vote against people that are switching parties and wanting to bring the same old problems and baggage with them.

In Liberty County, people like Greg Arthur would will be nearly 70 years old if by some ill fated election he was returned to office, and that would create a special excitement among some who would work to make sure he didn’t bring his baggage over to the Republican Party. His and Chip Fairchild’s dreams of returning to power in the Sheriff’s Department would be a nightmare to many Republicans. Arthur and Fairchild may have seen, or even help create, what they perceive as an opening as Sheriff Patterson continues to listen to poor advice in dealing with public relations, but Republican activists will guarantee voters will have at least one other candidate to choose from that will improve the department over anything we have seen in many years.

In Liberty County, many of the most outspoken Republicans are likely to plan family vacations around working to defeat District Attorney Mike Little and rid the county of all of the selective prosecution and other problems as a result of his leadership. If he were to choose to run as a Republican, primary voters that are unaware of some of the abuses of power and self serving politics that is coming from the office of Liberty County District Attorney’s office, will be not only informed, but they will be given at least one highly capable option to vote for that is not a twenty five year veteran in the Democratic Party. People that have yearned for all of the scandals and all of the political games from officeholders to end, can easily choose to end it in the 2012 Republican primary, if Mike Little brings his baggage to their primary.

In Liberty County, people like Greg Arthur and Chip Fairchild and Mike Little would be wise to follow in the footsteps of Rusty Hight and Zack Zbranek. These men have participated in the Democratic Party for years. Hight and Zbranek have deep family roots and are connected to what some have called the most influential Democrat in Liberty County in the last quarter of a century and they are arguably the best example of what a Democrat is in Liberty County. When Hight decided to run for re-election and his nephew, Zack Zbranek decided to try and wear one of the two other black robes in Liberty County; they didn’t even consider abandoning their party. Arthur and Little have protected people in the Democratic Party for years and their partisanship is almost as legendary as Hight and Zbranek’s. They should take a cue from the aspiring judges and continue to grow with their devoted partisan brethren. Republicans are not likely to accept any of these people who have bent over backwards to protect the status quo.

Hight and Zbranek are first rate Liberty County Democrats, they have supported the Obama led party through thick and thin; and Arthur and Little (and Fairchild) can stick with them or they can become a second rate 2012 losing primary candidate as a Republican. “Dance with who brung you” applies!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Dear Liberty Dispatch

Yesterday, most in Liberty County received their tax statements for 2010. I have talked to many individuals who have stated that their rate didn't increase but their appraisal value increased in some cases up to 30%. Most are mad as hell.

In the current market most Home Values are decreasing but I consulted a local Realtor and he stated, "The property values are starting to increase ever so slightly".

With the ever decreasing sales tax revenues for Liberty County, I am sure that most expected a tax increase. Not in this County. One commissioner stated, "Our tax rate is 4% lower than ten years ago" in one of his press releases.

I questioned this tax/value increase and it was said that they are using a new appraisal evaluation structure for improvements like storage sheds etc...

Is it that it is election year and the current commissioners didn't want to raise taxes so they had them raise they values to keep them looking good?

Liberty County continues to amaze me in it dealings. With other counties property values going down due to a slow economy Liberty County's property values are increasing even with a 11.1% unemployment rate(as of 2/2010).

Marcus Brand

Press Release: Republican Party

The Liberty County Republican Party will be holding an Organizational Meeting on May 4, 2010 at 7pm. The meeting will be held at the Republican Head-Quarters in Liberty Texas. The public is invited.

At this meeting the Party will appoint Officers and swear-in Precinct Chairpersons.

The Republican Party Platform calls for Less Government, Individual Freedom, and a Strong National Defense.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

NEWS RELEASE: Liberty County Juvenile Probation




LIBERTY, Texas- (May 1, 2010)- Liberty County Juvenile Probation Department, in collaboration with Inspiring Hope Education and Training, will sponsor a FREE Community Awareness and Drug Prevention Seminar. This is an important educational seminar that will raise the community and parents’ awareness of the trends of adolescent drug use as well as other unhealthy behaviors that affect the positive growth and development of adolescents. Our hope is that the knowledge of prevention theories and strategies offered at this seminar will strengthen individuals, families, community leaders, and support systems.

The seminar is scheduled for Saturday, May 1, 2010, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the Liberty Middle School, 2515 Jefferson Drive, Liberty, Texas 77575. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. A light breakfast and afternoon snack will be provided.

Several representatives from law enforcement, probation, the school district, and local, state and federal agencies will provide educational workshops. The workshops and panel discussions will focus on topics such as, but not limited to:

Cyper-Bullying, Sexting, and Harassment - Teen Dating Violence and Sexual Assault - Common Drugs Used Among Teens - Anger Management - Depression and Suicide Among Teens - Substance Abuse Prevention - Gang Prevention Education - Decision-Making and Self-Esteem Building - Parenting.

In addition, the health department, community organizations, and other social service agencies will setup booths to provide participants with information regarding health and safety issues, counseling, employment opportunities, and much more.

Contact Information: For more information, please contact Kelly Semien, Liberty County Juvenile Probation, at (936) 336-4550 or OR Dr. Anita Wright, Inspiring Hope Education and Training, at 832-527-0154 or

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

If it quacks like a duck...

During Monday night’s Liberty County Hospital District meeting, board members unanimously approved lowering the level at which a resident of the district can be approved for help from the district from 150% of the federal poverty guidelines to
100%. It begs the question as to why the guideline was ever set so high to begin with. Do Bruce Stratton and his gumba buddies, who have pulled all of the games with the double election and the moving the hospital lines and the forming private entities, realize we are now in the toughest economic times that many of us have ever experienced? Is this the time this Chicgo-like group plans to continue to try and force this little personal project of theirs down our collective throats?

According to Board President Bruce Stratton, decreases in the tax revenue have caused a drop of about $400,000 in funds for the hospital district. So, rather than try to appear conservative and posture yourselves in the media as some kind of board that is looking out for the people, why not get us out of this mess and end this taxing district? If you want to do the right thing, do it full throttle, not half ass. Your hero, Barack, has health care policies in place to cover most of the people you say you were so concerned about, so end this farce. There is no point in us paying for Obama’s scheme and yours too.

But that is not going to happen. Stratton and Pickett and all those who planned and plotted this scheme are die hard believers that whatever little deal they are smart enough and brazen enough to cook up that they can get passed by us and they deserve to reap the benefits. They are opportunists. They look and act like liberal selfish con men to some of us and therefore, if they quack like a duck they must be...

Monday, April 19, 2010


Liberty Dispatch would like to send kudos to the new Liberty School Superintendent, Dr. Cynthia Lusignolo, and the school board making the tough, but the correct decisions about the schools in Liberty.

In many places it is not popular and it is never flashy or grandiose to recommend focusing on the upkeep of a school’s facilities. On a consistent and overwhelming basis you will find the first money that is raided in a school budget when they need some cash is the maintenance and improvement money. Liberty ISD has been no different than most over the years, but the approach they are using with this bond issue is nothing but wise.

The difference is that Dr. Lusignolo along with her board have decided to do the right thing regardless of the fact that they could benefit more politically by spending taxpayer money on something new that all of us could see and think was progress. Instead Lusignolo is doing what is best for this community. Her respect for the taxpayer is evident in her approach.

Liberty Dispatch doesn’t know this Superintendent’s political persuasions or her affiliations but we recognize excellent planning. And we salute it.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dear Liberty Dispatch

Some of my friends say you are the Charles Bronson of Liberty County. They say whether someone likes your methods or not, Liberty County with all of its corruption will never be the same. Others say rather than a vigilante you are just someone who hates the Democratic Party and liberals and you try to exterminate them by any means necessary wherever you go. The picture they paint is not as complimentary. It is more like you are a necessary evil. Still some say you are an agent of the devil rather than an avenging angel for the oppressed. Which is it? What are the goals of Liberty Dispatch? How can we help?

Inquiring Minds

Dear Liberty Dispatch

Some of my friends say you are the Charles Bronson of Liberty County. They say whether someone likes your methods or not, Liberty County with all of its corruption will never be the same. Others say rather than a vigilante you are just someone who hates the Democratic Party and liberals and you try to exterminate them by any means necessary wherever you go. The picture they paint is not as complimentary. It is more like you are a necessary evil. Still some say you are an agent of the devil rather than an avenging angel for the oppressed. Which is it? What are the goals of Liberty Dispatch? How can we help?

Inquiring Minds


Weeks have gone by and what we thought would be an indictment in an open and shut case of tampering with the mail has still yet to be filed. Liberty Dispatch broke the news story when District Judge Chap Cain’s mail was tampered with and video of the perpetrator making copies of a check that was in the mail had been found. The obvious reason for the delay in this all being made public information is that there is more to this case than just arresting the person who is seen on the video at the Kinko’s in Beaumont making copies. Liberty Dispatch knows the wheels of justice tend to move slowly mostly when there is other evidence and other co-conspirators involved and it takes investigators some time to properly prepare their case.

In the meantime, the public is left wondering exactly what is going on. But since Judge Cain recently switched to the Republican Party, let’s set up a pretend scenario and see what the possible implications would be if the person who tampered with the mail had a strong connection to the local Democratic Party.

Let’s just say for the sake of trying to understand the possible implications that the person who tampered with that now infamous mail was not, as some have suggested, Phil Fitzgerald. Instead, for the sake of discussion about the possible broad effect this crime could have on this county; let’s just say it was a Democratic Party Chairman or Chairwoman. In fact, let’s just say it was the last non-Archer to head the local Democratic Party. Let’s use former Liberty County Chairwoman Liz Beausoliel as our example. Now for a period of time readers of this website please think about the different ways that her involvement and those who may have helped her would effect this county. Think about what her motivations would be and who might have helped write the letter that falsely accused Judge Cain of campaign violations.

The alleged conspirators involved include Judge- CT Hight, Michelle Merendino and Zack Zbranek. Stay tuned for part two as we wait impatiently for the details to be revealed to those of us who pay the salaries of almost anyone that could possibly be connected to this.

The Watchers

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Booted Ex-Sheriff, Greg Arthur Reappears

Past Liberty County Sheriff, Greg Arthur- aka "zipper" who was literally booted out of office with a mandate, has again raised his ugly head.

Arthur has been seen visiting local Republican gatherings and "working the room".

We guess Arthur doesn't get it, he was booted because people didn't like or trust him... how soon he forgets, has dementia set in?

The trilogy of Greg Arthur, Grover (Frank) Huff and Chip (Cow Chip) Fairchild reigned terror, intimidation, threats, harassment, official misconduct, selective prosecution, official oppression and allegedly murder, upon the county for many years. Lately, the citizens of Liberty County have not had the best representation in the Liberty County Sheriff's Office but... the problems it now has pales in comparison to the corruption visited upon Liberty County by the aforementioned characters. Much of the current negative publicity in the Sheriff's Office has been orchestrated by Chip Fairchild and his minions- because of retaliation.

Someone has been lying to Greg Arthur, making him believe he would ever or could ever have a chance to win even dog catcher in Liberty County. He seems disconnected from the reality of what happened to him and must believe it was all some big mistake and how Obama must be to blame.

Greg, you lost, you were removed from office and even lost your own voting box in Hardin, Texas.

Go ahead, bring your best game and some salt and pepper to go with it... The people of Liberty County will be protected from you.

The Watchers

Message from Marcus Brand

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported me in my campaign for County Commissioner Pct 2. Even though I didn’t get the republican nomination, I will not stop fighting for what I believe in. I don’t want my children 10 years from now to look at me and say why didn't you do something.

At this time I would ask for you to support the current republican candidate Charlotte Warner. It’s not about popularity from this point it is about principle. The principle that the current Democrat controlled administration has embarrassed Liberty County for years with alleged corruption and other things, there is just too many to name. I am sure that before November it will all come out.

No matter who gets elected this November it will not be easy. With sales tax revenues down, devaluating property appraisals, and the ongoing spending spree, the Commissioners Court will find them self in a tough spot to find the necessary funds to support the County as we have become accustom to. We need a conservative Commissioner who will do their best to keep up the County and not waste tax dollars like they have in the past.

Again thank you to all for your support and as promised I will not go away!

Go Charlotte!

Marcus Brand

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Dear Liberty Dispatch,

There are a handful of people still around who worked for years laying the groundwork for liberty County one day to change course and start electing Republicans and to connect this county with conservatives in Austin and Washington D.C. Years ago I made a public prediction that Republicans would fill half of the offices in the county by the 2008 election. I was a little off and we had a few years when we were a little too passive, but that time has now come. If you will allow me to I would like to thank Jay Knight, Steve Stephens, and Craig McNair for running for County Judge. They all three saw a need for change and they all had the courage to run and the willingness to serve. It is with great pleasure I congratulate Craig McNair and it is with sincerity I thank several others for their efforts.

It is a difficult thing to run in a primary against people that live together in a tight knit community and who have similar conservative values. I did not know Mr. Stephens before this race but I watched him tonight and I thought he conducted himself not only like a gentleman, but like someone who cares about this county and cares about making positive changes. I am in hopes he will do like Jay Knight and help us make needed changes by electing Craig McNair and helping him after he takes office. Stephens knows how to bring about change and can still be a very important part of these historic times. I don’t really know Jay Knight either, but for years I have heard from friends what great people he and his wife Jan are. This county and the Republican Party ought to hope that Jay will run for office again. I will look for an opportunity to reward him for his efforts in this race by voting for him in his next one.

The last candidate I would like to single out and I would like to say I have the most appreciation for is Larry Wilburn. For those of you who are new to voting or working for the Republican Party, you need to know that very few people have helped this party survive and get strong enough to win in the last fifteen years than Larry. If people like Larry had not gone against the odds and spent the money and time it takes to run we would not have made the progress and we would not be preparing to make historic changes this election. It is people like Larry that knew if they ran as a Republican that they would probably have to run multiple times and work their tail off before they would have a good chance of winning. Much of Larry and his wife Denise’s efforts and their self-sacrifice will never be known by future Republicans but I saw it. I saw two people with integrity and purpose who sacrificed a great deal and who are unquestionably the type of people who made this country great. I don’t know Barry Graves, but I hope he wins in November. If he helps the Republican Party half as much as the Wilburns, he will be a vital part of the history of our local party.

Lastly, I do not want to pass up an opportunity to thank all of the people who make Liberty Dispatch what it is. I want to thank Ray Akins especially. I know you wanted to stay out of this County Judge’s race, but we all know you were concerned that Mr. Stephens and our whole list of candidates would be affected by some of the circumstances surrounding the recent FEMA contracts. I appreciate the way you handled that on this site and I know you hope Mr. Stephens will focus on resolving that situation and that we will all help Craig McNair win in November and help him be successful as the first Republican County Judge in over 100 years. Everywhere you have lived you have devoted your time and your money and your unique abilities to replacing Democrat officeholders and RHINO’s with good Republicans. My only regret in deciding to retire as the party chairman is that I wasn’t in office to greet you and help the party work with you in unity to build a strong Republican Party. I salute your efforts. Some may misunderstand you and some have definitely distorted who you are, but I can not help but salute you for the sacrifices you have made and the trials you have endured (sometimes dealing with ‘friendly fire’ from people that claim to be on our side).


Richard Pegues

Richard Pegues retired after serving three terms as the Liberty County Republican Chairman from 2000-2006. It was during County Chairman Diane Sanford’s term (1998-2000) and Richard Pegues’ three terms that local Democrats began to have to actually acknowledge and deal with local Republicans after years of passive Republican “leadership” that refused to engage and confront local Democrats. Democraic Party Chairman John Archer dubbed Pegues “the attack puppy” in an effort to make light of the efforts of those hard working local Republicans back then. Pegues enjoyed the nickname and relished the idea of the “puppy” growing up. The people of Liberty County voting 3 to 1 in the Republican Party primary versus the Democratic Party primary is evidence that that group of people Archer meant to insult when he called Pegues the attack puppy are preparing to get the last laugh.

Monday, April 12, 2010


I’ve closely followed the Liberty County Judge Race for some time now. As readers know, I have tried to be fair and balanced in my approach- in order to support the best candidate for Liberty County Judge.

As readers of Liberty Dispatch also know, I personally reached out to Steve Stephens in an attempt to help him clarify some problematic issues and allegations. With all due respect to Stephens, when I talked to him, he seemed disconnected and in denial regarding the allegations surrounding his actions with Dayton money and FEMA. This disconnect is greatly troubling and somewhat suspect...

Public servants have a responsibility to be open and forthcoming about the way they take care of our business, it would be difficult to understand why anyone would vote for Stephens under these circumstances except maybe his closest friends and those Democrats who want the Republican Party to be vulnerable in the general election.

In summary, no matter what Stephens thinks, he owes the public answers in regard to the way he has handled The City of Dayton’s business and the ensuing FEMA debacle. Because of the lack of answers surrounding Stephens’ activities and his cavalier attitude to his accountability, in good conscience, I cannot endorse Stephens’ campaign.

It is my hope that Craig McNair is elected as our new Republican candidate and ultimately, Liberty County Judge.

Liberty County Judge Candidate, Craig McNair has my personal endorsement and the endorsement of Liberty Dispatch.

Ray Akins

Friday, April 9, 2010


A few days ago Liberty Dispatch told its readers that “in the spirit of fair play” they were inviting Steve Stephens to “defend himself” against Democrats and all other detractors’ charges. Liberty Dispatch made it clear we did not want to take sides in the run-off but we did want Stephens to have an opportunity to defend himself against the deluge of last minute negative comments that are causing Republicans to get angry with each other. Stephens declined and now we must ask the question: How does his refusal to answer questions about his management of taxpayer money affect, not only the County Judge's race, but the Republicans running in November?

Since we have made that offer we have had a deluge of a different kind of comment from our readers. We have decided those comments merit action from us. Basically, some of our readers have pointed out that regardless of whether a voter is a Steve Stephens’ supporter or a Craig McNair supporter, if you want to see Republicans win in November “we can not afford to nominate a candidate who either has no defense of his actions or refuses to defend his actions.” Liberty Dispatch believes that is more than just a legitimate point of view. We believe Stephens’ silence on the issues that have been the subject of such hot public controversy in the last few days could hurt the entire Republican ticket.

Liberty Dispatch is certain that the recent criticism of Stephens’ comes from places beyond the campaign of his run-off opponent, Craig McNair. Democrats have enjoyed stirring this up and they have enjoyed watching the party split over the Stephens’ allegations. The Democrats have nominated a candidate that will need every negative thing possible to be said about Republicans in order to even have a chance of running a close race. We believe that Stephens’ lack of response should ultimately raise Republican primary voters’ antennas and should cause them to vote for Craig McNair. We also believe Democrats who are voting in the Republican primary to cause chaos will vote for Steve Stephens because they know their party will benefit across the ballot by the questions Stephens has left unanswered for all of these months.

Liberty Dispatch tried to maintain an open mind and not take sides between Craig McNair and Steve Stephens. In an effort to do the best thing for the Republican Party and be fair to both candidates, Ray Akins contacted Mayor Stephens and shared concerns about how his actions and his silence could affect every Republican on the ballot in November. Akins reiterated his offer to give Stephens unedited space to respond to all of the allegations as he explained the potential for something like this to infect every campaign on the Republican side of the ballot. Stephens told Akins he did not need to respond because he "has done nothing wrong".

We believe voters deserved to get to hear how Stephens responded to these allegations before deciding who they wanted to nominate. These allegations will not go away the day after the run-off is settled. These allegations will be pushed even harder by Democrats this summer and in the fall if Stephens is the nominee. They will not even go away if Dayton receives reimbursement somehow. Accusations that Stephens should have bid the FEMA contracts and that he should not have given them to friends are serious allegations. Stories about how Stephens almost made a point to NOT to get along with the FEMA people and that if Dayton gets the over one million dollars in reimbursement that they need, it will be because FEMA felt sorry for the community having a leader like Stephens are being told as far north as Cleveland and as far east as Devers. Stephens needed to explain to those who will decide who will be our next County Judge that what he did during the aftermath of the storm was not only the legally correct way to handle FEMA and storm recovery contracts, but that it was the BEST way to handle it. Even if reimbursement occurs, voters deserve to hear how these questions are answered.

Some of Stephens’ supporters responded to their candidate being pressed for answers by criticizing Craig McNair’s campaign contributions, but that will not help calm the fears that some Republicans have. There is nothing unusual in McNair’s financial disclosure. In fact the last time we checked the Democrats’ nominee, Ken Morrison, has a great deal more of what some are saying McNair has on his financial disclosure. When last we checked, with the exception of Morrison’s contributions to himself, ALL of his campaign contributions are from outside of the county. $1,000 from Steve Kass, a self employed estimator from Dickinson. $100 from Francis Harrison of Huckley Texas and four more small contributions from people who live in counties other than Liberty County are listed in Morrison campaign contributions. Republicans are not vulnerable in this area. McNair will not lose the County Judge’s race or affect other races because of his campaign finance report.

Mr. Stephens, we assured you that you could have answered your critics unedited on this site, and we also encouraged you to respond somewhere – though we believe it would have been wise to respond here. We would have posted your comments for Liberty Dispatch readers. Undecided voters would have been a whole lot more likely to react positively to your explanation than to your supporters attacking Mr. McNair. If your explanation was judged by our readers to be acceptable, we believe that the number of votes you got in the primary would have been an indication you would probably win this run-off. But your lack of an explanation leaves the Republican Party vulnerable to a constant drumbeat of corruption or incompetence in November …… as a result we believe you and the Republican Party are better off if Craig McNair wins.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Do What?

Did I understand what I think I heard concerning the option of nuclear weapons in response to a nuclear attack from other Nations?

Did I understand Mr. Gates to say that the response of the Obama Administration to a nuclear attack would be conventional warfare?

The continual attack on our Capitalist Economy and the stripping away of the power of our military options has to indicate that the Socialist of the Democrat Party are so far out of step with the majority of Americans that it will result in a near complete political removal of Democrat Officeholders in November 2010.

The American people are smart enough to realize that a continual movement toward a Socialist Marxist ideological government will result in a populace that becomes subservient to its political leaders. This is exactly opposite of the intent of the Founders of this great Country. They were opposed to taxation without representation. They were opposed to their subjection of a non-personal freedom way of life. There is no difference in the Democrat Party of today than the Tyrannical form of government that early Americans had to endure.

The interesting thing about the Political upheaval that Pelosi, Reid, and Obama are undertaking is that it happened early in the Obama first term and has been rejected by a majority of the people of the United States. Had President Obama, Speaker of the House: Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader: Harry Reid maintained an incremental dismantling of the American Way of Life, they could have accomplished their Socialist Marxist goals.

I am thankful that they could not control their far-left ideological brains and that the people of this Country had an opportunity to see their real motives.

I am thankful that on a local scale that the people of Liberty County are now seeing the hidden agenda of the Democrat Party and are undergoing a wholesale rejection of what they are witnessing.

Posted By: Andy McCreight

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Liberty County Courts- A perspective...

After considering the two remaining local races for judges in our courthouse here in Liberty County, I have become increasingly concerned about the outcome in November. President Obama is doing things on an ongoing basis that should remind us all of how important choosing judges and political leaders is.

Please consider what our Democratic President feels is a legitimate use of our justice system. One of my biggest concerns now that we have seen over a year of President Obama in action is not his rhetoric but his willingness to pervert justice in the courts to get what he wants. He is too political in using his influence on our courts. Two examples of how the courts have been used to promote Obama’s own prejudice and politics out of a growing list of such court manipulation. The Obama justice department has dropped the prosecution of black thugs caught on camera stationed outside a polling place intimidating voters and he has promoted to the Supreme Court a circuit judge who dismissed a discrimination lawsuit by white firefighters, whose case the Supreme Court later accepted and ruled in their favor. There is a growing list of better examples, but part of my point is to say we are not immune to similar abuse and prejudice influence by our own officeholders.

I was amazed when I first heard about Democratic County Judge Phil Fitzgerald openly using the courts to forgive his friend and business associate Glenn Vickery in a DUI case that was so well known by the public. It made me wonder what goes on in our courts when the cases are not involving someone so well known. But more amazing than that were the efforts we are already hearing by Democrats and allies of Zack Zbranek to make that whole business about Zack’s Republican opponent in the race for County Court at Law Judge. While the Republican candidate was an employee trying to do the best he could with a situation Democrats had created, Zbranek’s Democratic comrades were trying to use the courts for their own purposes.

There is a tremendous difference in the two accusations. While I believe Zbranek’s Republican opponent, Tommy Chambers, should possibly file a lawsuit on Fitzgerald, Zbranek supporters seem to dismiss the abuse of office and the abuse of Chambers as an employee and skip right to using the courts as a tool for political gain. Instead of hammering Chambers, a candidate for the court that was bypassed by Fitzgerald should have publicly denounced the County Judge’s behavior. But rather than criticize his fellow Democrat, Zbranek seems content to sit back and watch the whole affair to be perverted into some kind of hammer to beat his opponent with. It is outrageous. Like President Obama, it seems these politicians expect voters to listen to their “twisted tales” and to encourage public misperceptions. This attitude seems like the same kind that allows selective prosecution from the Liberty County District Attorney’s office, based on political and personal considerations in our courts.

Potentially making matters even worse for citizens of our county, Zack Zbranek is kinfolk to questionable incumbent, District Judge Rusty Hight, who is up for re-election this November. Two family members sitting on two of the three benches in our courthouse is not something most of us are comfortable with. As we have observed how the hero of their political party, Barack Obama continues to influence the courts to consider how they can make political gains by perverting the rule of law and due process and the obvious use of selective prosecution, I urge fellow citizens to listen to accounts of friends and neighbors of how these men have conducted certain key cases in our courtrooms which are indeed questionable. The potential for major problems by electing these two men is beyond dangerous.

Their behavior is far more dangerous than giving a break to one of their friends that was stopped for weaving on the road after taking prescription drugs. Having the power to rule on cases that effect the lives of not only our neighbors, but with the use of selective prosecution and the tendency to involve their politics, to rule on cases that could be drummed up on us or our children or our friends or anyone they perceive as a threat to their agenda is serious business. These kinds of things happen and we never know much about it until it happens to someone we care about.
Looking at just one example to show how far this Hight-Zbranek group has the potential to go to win just requires re-visiting the recent past. Please recall the media accounts of the case Hight got in ethical trouble for several years ago. It involved the custody of a child. Hight changed court documents to affect the outcome of that court case. Had he not been caught, it could have prejudiced a jury into a different ruling on the custody of a small child. But Hight was caught! The woman that would have been deprived of due process came forward during Hight’s first attempt to elevate himself to the position of District Judge and he lost that race. Perhaps the poor woman was shocked or maybe she was just tired of the public attention when Hight had the audacity to run again, but she did not campaign against him. He won in his second bid. As a result we have a District Judge that we should all be aware of has a past that indicates the lengths and the depths he will go to get his way. His disrespect for the law and due process and people’s rights is a matter of record.

How dare these people stand in judgment of the way Chambers handled Fitzgerald’s lack of integrity and disrespect for the law! How dare these political animals question anyone’s integrity, especially someone that though he was an employee, still had guts enough to set the Vickery case for re-filing! How dare them accuse Chambers of not being political enough to avoid the “deals” democrats send his way! We want to elect someone who is not as politically minded as these people.

These people are asking us to worry about people getting a break on misdemeanors while we ought to be more worried about innocent people getting railroaded by biased rulings or false or altered documents. Fitzgerald, the real initiator of the cause they have highlighted, was defeated at the polls. Now we must concern ourselves with the family that would ask us to trust our courts to them. They are tough campaigners and we can all prepare to be disgusted with their future political mudslinging, but we must not allow their politics to infect our justice system any more.

Concerned Republican

Dear Liberty Dispatch

I have been personally opposed to not only the forming of the hospital district, but also the hardball politics that ultimately created the unpopular district to begin with. I won’t waste the readers’ time by recounting the politics of it or the arrogant big shot insiders who have colluded to force this taxing entity on us.

But I will remind those who read Liberty Dispatch of how right you people were to fight this. Now that millions of dollars have been snatched out of the hands of taxpayers’ against their wills it is time for election number three (remember the arrogant big shots lost the first election, changed the hospital district lines a little, and won when a worn out public failed to show up at the polls).

The people who perpetrated this whole scenario told the public that those unfortunate enough to find themselves within the second set of hospital district boundary lines that they must provide a way to pay for indigent healthcare. It must be paid for by this community because whether the indigent get it healthcare in our emergency room or in Galveston, this community will be held financially responsible.

With the combination of righteous sounding “do-the-right thing” philanthropic rhetoric mixed with a little legal jargon to pre-empt any debate, these people crammed this thing down our throats. They have bought buildings and they have formed private corporations in the meantime. But the fact of the matter is the whole thing is unnecessary now, The federal government has rescued us from the strong arming tactics of our local political politicians. We now have ObamaCare. We now have eliminated the overriding reason given for this hospital scheme/nightmare.

So Liberty Dispatch I am asking you to post this letter if you are still against this whole affair. I know it is only a victory over the local schemers because I know Liberty Dispatch and its conservative readers are sick that taxpayers have been ignored and are being forced to pay for ObamaCare. We must eliminate the district so we get one of the two hands that are deep down in our pockets sucking the life out of our paychecks. Just remember, Bruce Stratton, Picket’s, Zbranek’s and Kamerling are killing us all a slow financial death, one brought on by the hospital district.

Monday, April 5, 2010


According to experts, the 2010 November national election should favor Republicans in a way that it seldom has in history. Predictions like that helped to make it easy for local Republicans to fill their ballot full of candidates and get workers excited about the coming election. Larry Wilburn was one of those candidates and one of those workers that signed up to hopefully usher in some more historic victories in Liberty County.

But Larry Wilburn’s decision to run as a Republican and to help the local Republican party is not something borne out of the expert predictions of success. Wilburn was one of the true believers many years ago who ran as a Republican and helped other Republicans in off years because he believed in Reagan conservatism. He prepared to become a Justice of the Peace years ago in hopes that he could defeat the odds and beat Judge Pruitt despite the countywide tendency to elect Democrats. Wilburn has spent years preparing to one day serve the public and be the best JP he can be. He spent years promoting and working for other conservatives in hopes of changing the political culture in Liberty County. He is more than qualified; he is prepared to do a great job.

Larry will never have to answer the question about why he keeps running for this job with an expectation to win. The incumbent Democrat opponent did the same thing when he was younger. And after years of preparing to become JP, Judge Pruitt finally one day won the position he had worked so hard to fill. This year Judge Pruitt is thought to have drawn more opponents because he is near 80 years old and the anti-Democrat Party sentiment that has swept much of the country.

But though Liberty Dispatch will not go so far as to say Larry Wilburn is owed the nomination, we will remind voters that Wilburn has helped to build this party and to keep it alive while others were doing their own thing. Wilburn has the potential to be a great JP. He has run clean and spirited campaigns and since this will be the first one that any Republican had a realistic chance of defeating Judge Pruitt, we believe it sends a positive message about working hard and sticking to your principles even when you are in the minority. Years ago Judge Pruitt’s dream was realized and now is the time we would like to see Larry Wilburn follow in his footsteps.