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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same

In the last week, we here at Liberty Dispatch have been rough on Ernest Bailes. We do so because we feel he is not the right man for the job. It is as simple as that. At every event we have heard Mr. Bailes speak, he just doesn’t quite get all of the Conservative points in relation to government, individualism and the founder’s view of severely restricted government and a people free from its coercion. From refusing to acknowledge property taxes are an issue, to not seeing the issue Joe Straus has cost the Conservative side.  

We could have made this point without digging into every aspect of the negatives in his campaign. We could have done the perfume flowery comparison of the two. However, we were sickened to hear how Bailes decided to go after Strahan. We simply suggest Ernest run on his own merit.

The local Chairman in Liberty County is corrupt. He diminishes the office he holds by not following party rules, ignoring his executive committee and divisiveness. We fully expected a man like Ken Coleman to stoop to dirty politics once his feelings were hurt. But, we expected better of Bailes.  

These stories are known by many people in our county of underhanded, buddy placing, friends above competence in positions. An elite few who think they rule the kingdom and appoint yes-men. Every election you can think of in this county has a backdoor side where someone is plotting against someone because they’re not just like them. Those people are usually quite irrelevant and honestly provide great amusement. Let’s see, at one time they tried to say Ross Ward wasn’t from Liberty when he ran against Ken Coleman. Oh, and who can forget the postings about Jay Knight having an adulterous affair on the hood of his car and supposed video of it when he ran against McNair. As well, Leon Wilson was a racist when he ran against Norman Brown. People see this cycle after cycle here. It is nothing new. The problem is when the light is shown upon all their disgust. They are shocked someone will finally say something. Then of course, it’s off to discredit who’s exposed their corruption.

 This go around, they went to attack not only a good man who was born and raised here, but included folks to spread this ugliness that they are overtly aware they are selling a false narrative. We’re sorry, but that’s just wrong. In fact, some of those same people who KNOW these stories and even felt the nastiness directed at themselves have joined the propaganda, either knowingly or out of ignorance. They added Bailes to those talking points and weakened him as a candidate.

Now, if you want to sit around drinking tea and having cookies with the likes of old Liberty gossips and no good washed up politicians like Tookie Kirkham and Terri Bivins, that’s fine. Nothing wrong with being in the club and feeling important. But, here at Liberty Dispatch, we have never come in soft on such people and their actions. We won’t start now. We’ve been doing that way since 2006.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Bailes; Some Donors Raise Eyebrows In Liberty County

Many of us in Liberty County cannot forget the illegal activities after Hurricane Ike that embattled previous County Judge Phil Fitzgerald and ended in indictments and plea deals. Let's not forget Commissioner Groce and his buddy, Winston Sizemore, who reaped over $8M in cleanup contracts from the 'deals' that were made between them either. Least of all the reward of Groce's fully paid Vegas trip to Sizemore's wedding afterwards.

"It began with hidden camera video of trucks belonging to Liberty County Judge Phil Fitzgerald. We followed the trail to Lavernia, Texas, and the judge's brother-in-law.
Turns out Judge Fitzgerald and his family was paid up to $1 million. And the guy who got another big Liberty County contract was Winston Sizemore, Life-long friend of County Commissioner Lee Groce. Sizemore paid for the commissioner's trip to Las Vegas to be at his wedding." -

"When we asked Groce if he had a problem showing us receipts for travel and hotel records, Groce replied, "I have no receipts. I just don't."

That's because Commissioner Groce didn't have to pay for the trip. The groom picked up the tab. His name is Winston Sizemore.

"He's a lifelong friend of mine. He has been a friend of mine for my whole life and we would have went anywhere to get him married," said Groce.

We asked about the trip to the Strip because Sizemore's company got an $8 million contract to clean up Hurricane Ike debris in Liberty County last year. He was handpicked by Commissioner Lee Groce." -

It seems Bailes was given $8,500 from Mr. Sizemore in his quest for the HD 18 Representative seat in the current race. Liberty Dispatch continues to question, why is Bailes so connected with bad company from Joe Strauss to John Otto, and a man who made questionable profit from a disaster that ended in criminal charges for Fitzgerald and Groce? Mr. Bailes continues to ask us to look at the company a man keeps. Perhaps he should be looking in the mirror? - 

Additionally, we took a look at the funding Texas Farm Bureau gave to the Bailes campaign. ​Texas Farm Bureau gave $20,000 to Bailes.  In the 2012 election cycle, the Texas Farm Bureau donated $10,000 to U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., chairwoman of the Senate Agriculture Committee.

Why is this important?

Texas Farm Bureau is a leading voice for amnesty on illegal immigration.

"The American Farm Bureau Federation and its local arm, the Texas Farm Bureau, are strong supporters of a major immigration reform bill the U.S. Senate passed last year that offers a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. The bill has been heavily criticized by many conservative politicians, both nationwide and in Texas, highlighting a rift between the Republican Party and the agricultural lobby that widened recently during debate over the farm bill.

U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith, R-San Antonio, proposed forcing employers nationwide to use the controversial E-Verify database, a federal service that checks to see whether someone is eligible to work in the U.S. Farm lobby groups predicted tens of billions of dollars in losses for their members. Similar efforts in Texas have also failed.
“All we have to do to put agriculture out of business in this country, you do two things,” Pringle said. “No. 1, you implement E-Verify. And No. 2, you don’t provide any kind of legal opportunity for a workforce.”"-Texas Tribune, 2/27/2016

Remember, Mr. Bailes is proud of his  lobbyist credentials. He has lobbied on issues most Conservatives stand firmly against. The Republican Party clearly does not support amnesty or illegal immigration, both of which Farm Bureau seem to lobby in favor of.

We stand firm in our belief here at Liberty Dispatch that Mr. Bailes simply has too many connections to non-conservative organizations as well as the shady underbelly of Liberty County politics. We've been through these issues with the corruption in the past in Liberty County, let's not make that mistake again.

Bailes Texas Life PAC Endorsement; Really Pro-Life?

As a follow up to our recent article on the information provided on Bailes consultants Murphy-Nasica we wanted to discuss an issue very close to our hearts as proud Conservatives here at Liberty Dispatch. Abortion and pro-life issues.

Now let us be clear before we go any further, Mr. Bailes may be a very nice man with family values, but since he, himself, seems to try to tie his opponent to the company he keeps, the same must be done for himself. Mr. Bailes is proud of his endorsement from Life Pac. However, one doesn’t have to look hard to see through past endorsements and lack of true work on the life issue to know it is a shill organization backing establishment candidates and has a far way to go to even garner the reputation that active legislative groups like Texas Right to Life has.

Additionally, that fringe group the Chairman in Liberty County went on a tirade over? The local Chairman of that group made the bold move to not only propose, but get passed at convention, one of the most pro-life resolutions we have ever seen, Abolishment of Abortion. He continues this fight onto the Republican State Convention and we fully support him in that.
Now, we’re not really sure how this was considered by Ken Coleman as not Republican? If protection of life is not Republican, then consider us not Republican and Mr. Coleman and his few henchmen can continue to believe their warped view they hold somehow is.

Time and time again, no matter what endorsements Mr. Bailes garners he seems to only attract mostly establishment shill groups. Always linked to Straus or Otto and the poison in Austin. Why is this? We hope voters can gain some education on the true political games behind the scenes, from Bailes Democratic past behavior to his establishment backing by Republicans In Name Only now.

The following is information about Texas Alliance for Life:

“Joe Pojman is the Executive Director of Texas Alliance for Life, whose stated mission is to “protect innocent human life from conception through natural death through peaceful, legal means.” However, the evidence is clear, Joe Pojman is being used by establishment powers to cover the tracks of politicians who are weak on life. Even worse, Joe has empowered the healthcare lobby and hospitals to end the life of a patient without family permission.

Texas deserves better. When pro-life groups are united, important victories can be won without the pink-shoes drama that puts pro-abortion politicians in the media spotlight. Thanks to Joe Pojman, however, many pro-life champions are left out in the cold, and pro-life legislation is under constant threat of self-destruction.”-

“Texas Alliance for Life not only endorsed, but sent political mail funded by Joe Straus in support of Bennett Ratliff and J.D. Sheffield. Bennett Ratliff is on record saying he sees abortion as a right that a woman has. J.D. Sheffield voted with Democrats on numerous amendments meant to water down and kill HB 2. Texas Alliance for Life endorsed these candidates and sent direct mail into their House Districts telling voters they were the pro-life options. These actions are confusing unless you know that Joe Straus provided the bulk of TAL’s PAC money used in the elections so they were forced to cover for Straus’ lieutenants.”

“Texas Alliance for Life has inexplicably ignored pro-life legislators in their endorsements, preferring to buddy up to the Austin establishment rather than judge candidates on their pro-life record. In the 2014 election cycle, numerous pro-life legislators, lauded for their leadership during the fiercest battles surrounding HB 2 and other pro-life bills, were left off of TAL’s endorsement list because they were not supportive of the Speaker and his dubious record. Jonathan Stickland, Matt Schaefer and Charles Perry are some of the most conservative Representatives in all of Texas and were opposed by the moderate wing of the Republican Party in their re-elections. Joe Pojman refused to endorse them based on their 100% pro-life voting record, but endorsed J.D. Sheffield who voted against pro-lifers numerous times.”- Source: TAL 2014 Republican Primary endorsements

“Texas Alliance for Life has begun to focus their efforts more on end of life issues than abortion. Unfortunately for the pro-life community they have teamed up with the Hospitals to craft SB 303, which removes end of life decisions from the family and gives hospitals the authority to end the life of a patient without their family's permission. They have become so focused on this issue that they are now forcing state candidates to support this legislation in their questionnaire before they can be endorsed by Texas Alliance for Life’s PAC. This is one of the reasons that none of your top conservatives are endorsed by TAL.”

Further, we think voters should see the article written in Breitbart Texas HERE

So the question remains. Just how pro-life is TAL’s endorsement? Or, is it possible, like many others, it is just a misleading endorsement to fool Conservatives by liberal leadership? 

Saturday, April 23, 2016


For voters who are going to vote in the race for Liberty County Attorney where Mark Beausoliel is a Candidiate, this is a reprint of a historical story shedding light on some of his corrupt and illegal activities, there are more stories we will be reposting.... Enjoy and welcome back to Liberty Dispatch!

(April 21, 2010, LIBERTY, TEXAS) What happens next, as we wait on the feds to tell the public who was actually seen on that Kinko/Fedex video tape copying and faxing the stolen mail sent to a District Judge here in the Liberty County courthouse?

In the “what if” game, we can only guess how badly Democrats would like to bundle this crime up and put it at the footsteps of a Democratic officeholder like the County Judge Phil Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald’s troubles have already sunk his political ambitions and he has already been thrown overboard as Democrats went to the polls and chose Kingwood’s Bill Morrison to run for County Judge against Republican Craig McNair.

Of course, Democrats would love even more to tie this around Michelle Merendino’s neck and leave everyone else out of it. Then they could claim it was just a Republican candidate trying to get an edge on her opponent. But it has been known in some circles for weeks before the election that Merendino was recruited and supported by Judge CT Rusty Hight to run against Judge Cain. So well known in fact that before the election, Liberty Dispatch posted a letter to the Editor from a former Republican Party Chairman endorsing his former political adversary (Judge Cain) and talking about the potential for cleaning up the courthouse if Cain was elected.

But “what if” this is a clan that doesn’t revolve around just Fitzgerald or Merendino, what if someone like our example is involved? Perhaps the feds are taking so long because the video tape is just the beginning of trying to gather the names of the people involved in this.

As was said before, just take Elizabeth Beausoliel as an example of how far reaching this would be if it were someone like her. She has always been a prodigy of former Liberty County Democratic Party Chairman John Archer and his wife Nancy, the current local Democratic Party Chairwoman. She herself is a former Chairwoman of the local Democrat Party. Her families ties to the Zbraneks and Hight is well documented. Some have even said they thought Beausoliel was Hight’s campaign manager when he won his first four year term. If it were true that someone as high up on the Democratic pecking order as Beausoliel is the one who was at Kinko's then this scandal involves a democratic operative trying to deceive voters in a Republican primary race. What was her motive?

In this “what if” scenario, would Beausoliel’s husband's anger with District Judge Chap Cain over a wrongful death case referral be the motivating factor? Or was stealing the judge’s mail and trying to trick voters into thinking the Republican was accepting illegal contributions part of a bigger strategy with an entire clan of politicians weighing in to try and defeat Cain. It is well known that the other District Judge, CT Rusty Hight, wanted to defeat Cain badly. Did Hight and his handpicked candidate, Michelle Merendino and others help develop a “whatever it takes” strategy to beat Cain? Who wrote the cover letter that falsely accuses Judge Cain? Are the feds taking a little longer to release the name of who is actually on the videotape because it is a real life scenario that has larger implications? Is it a conspiracy of criminal magnitude? Has one or more county employees along with others committed a federal offence that will get all over the Democrats in the fall.

In what other ways are all of these people connected? Do they have business ties? Are they financially beholden to each other? The answer is a resounding YES YES YES! Evidence will come to light in the near future connecting the money trail. The taxpayers may or may not be aware that Elizabeth Beausoliel went from Liberty County Democratic Party Chairwoman to a newly created job in the courthouse. Beausoliel is paid from taxpayer money to take care of the “’Liberty County Law Library”. Her duties and the time involved in her job are not known at this time, but we know she is paid a significant amount of money for what is thought to be a minimal amount of work.

Liberty Dispatch has predicted all along that this could be the nastiest campaign season in a long time. It has gotten a good start. With the Hight, Zbranek, Fitzgerald, and Archer team carrying so much Democratic baggage from the past few years, the public needs to brace themselves for what they will be spread about the Republican challenger lineup. The “we may be bad, but so are they campaign” has come to town and get ready for some real doozies.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Bailes Consultant, Murphy-Nasica, Anti-Conservative Champions

Earnest Bailes, enemy of the people of Texas
As we get closer to the Republican runoff here in Liberty County for the HD 18 Rep. race it is becoming more and more clear that the old guard as well as Austin lobbyists are circling the wagons around Ernest Bailes, doing whatever is necessary for win.

 Liberty Dispatch has taken a slow approach on many fronts to battle this. We have shown the corruption of the local Republican Party Chairman and the players involved. Their aggression range from total disregard for an elected Executive Committee (by you, the people), slanderous website  releases, the breaking of party rules, to even giving Ernest Bailes the very same talking points. The Chairman's wife has used emails sent to party members with this same goal. The Chairman himself has made it clear in meetings his plans were to ruin the Strahan campaign  because of his recent defeat.

Lately, Paul Newton, webmaster for the Liberty County Republican Party, has posted slanderous information about Keith Strahan and even Jonathan Stickland (arguably one of the most Conservatives in the House) through various social media avenues. He's gone so far as to post misleading facts about Mr. Stickland and post them right next to Mr. Strahan's fundraiser in which Rep. Stickland will be speaking. So much for that email we all saw yesterday about, civility, respect, and other garbage Mr. Newton clearly lied about. Actually, the 'facts' Mr. Newton is sharing has come from Rep. Sticklands challenger in this past primary. A challenger that something in common with Mr. Bailes. What Mr. Newton fails to realize is voters clearly rejected Fisher (Stickland's Opponent) and Stickland won without a runoff. Of course Liberty Dispatch knows Strahan is supported by the three highest-ranked Conservative members of the Texas House, Including Representatives Matt Rinnaldi and Tony Tinderholt.

What do these two have in common? Both Bailes and Fisher sought out Craig Murphy's consultant firm to run their campaigns. And if Mr. Strahan is going to be chastised for being part of a Republican grassroots group- what Bailes swims in should turn your stomach!

In Liberty County, many may not know about this firm's twisted past. Murphy's firm's are widely known to be an extension of the arm of Joe Straus that not only runs Republican's In Name Only against good Conservatives, but are known for dirty campaigning at its finest (Murphy  is now known as Murphy-Nasica, instead of Murphy-Turner, so don't let the differences in names confuse you. It's the same beast under a different names. )

Let's review a few issues over the years:

" IF CAMPAIGNS OF TRACI HUTTON & SCOTT FISHER SEEM TO BE USING SIMILAR TACTICS;  THERE IS A REASON!"  San Antonio Express-News.. “Of the 14 candidates who have paid Murphy Turner in 2012, 11 are opposed by conservatives."

Local News Only- "Note the highlighted portion of the filing of Hutton’s campaign against conservative Judge R.H. Wallace. There were only two donations listed, one from an apparent relative and the other from Tarrant County Commissioner Gary Fickes.  When questioned about his endorsement of Hutton, Commissioner Fickes Responded via Email, “…she has worked on every race I’ve been in. She’s put signs up, handed out literature, taken signs down and given me donations. I think everyone knew about her and Mike”.Thanks, Gary.

In addition, Hutton showed a loan to herself of $21,000.  Listed under her expenditures is a total of $20,980.91 paid to Political Consultant  “Murphy Nasica.” 

Now comes the State Representative 92 District Campaign of Scott Fisher vs. incumbent Jonathan Stickland.  A campaign with similar viciousness and suspect claims.

Political Consultant?
“Murphy Nasica” .  This same consultant to Traci Hutton was listed by Scott Fisher with expenditures of $50,842.54!  One interesting donation from the Cash America Multi-Candidate Pac Fund for $500. (Ironically, Former local State Representative Vicki Truitt is now a lobbyist for ACE Cash America, a payday firm that was  levied a $10 million fine for illegally coercing borrowers into taking on more debt).

So who is Murphy Nasica?" 

Murphy's endeavors are well known for being " financed by a number of former Republican politicians who have been defeated or opted not to seek reelection in order to avoid voter scrutiny of their records." - Texas Scorecard. This of course includes Speaker Straus himself, one of the most liberal Republicans in Texas.

Guess who one of those retired Representatives might be? Yes, our very own Rep. John Otto. Texas Scorecard is quoted as saying "Otto is fleeing public office, telling colleagues he was scared of standing before voters and defending a record that has become a sick joke against taxpayers. While 94 percent of Republican primary voters want to strictly limit the growth of government, and the Texas Senate passed a measure doing just that, Otto held a hearing without public testimony so he could gut the measure. Basically, he wanted to let government agencies set their own limits." Otto is backing Bailes, coincidence?

Ernest Bailes is proud of his lobbying efforts in both DC and Austin. Murphy is an anti-conservative consulting firm. Here locally we've seen accusations against Mr. Strahan that are blatantly false. We also have seen the former majority, now the minority voices in the party, of Terri Bivins and Ken Coleman spreading the same lies. Does all of this just seem coincidental? Is it coincidental that in San Jacinto County Ernest Bailes has a 20% of Democratic crossover voters backing him?  His pro-life credentials, well they come from what is widely documented as a shell organization to protect those who just want lip service of protecting the unborn, not those on the front lines like Texas Right To Life.

Yes, Ernest Bailes and those that are pushing under-handed tactics can continue to put out this 'just a good old boy who puts on his boots everyday like you and I' line. But, Ernest Bailes is not like you and I. Ernest Bailes has sought company of lobbyists and a firm who works hard against Conservatives. Ernest Bailes has joined in with the likes of the local party and those that have not only abused their positions of power in the party, but have set out to ruin it before they leave the room and are replaced.  

We here in Liberty County are good, hard working people. We expect leaders that represent the voter above special interests. And, as the old saying goes: "We may talk slow, but we don't think slow". Voters are well aware of the choice they have. A big push for more property taxation, calls for more money to be spent and higher taxes to fund it, more standardized testing that are already crippling our educators  and no advancement in the protection of the unborn if Straus, through Bailes, has his way. Or, the guy we have all know here in Liberty County since his birth. The guy who has given back to us many times in Liberty both politically and through our youth. The guy we have seen at most Republican meetings in the past (When have you see Bailes involved with the party here, before he was running of course). If we want a Representative for US in Austin, only Strahan stands out as the right choice. Of course, if we want to continue the Austin lobby machine and the lack of any attention to rural areas by the Legislature, that candidate is Bailes.

Austin's friend or the grassroots friend. Think.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Let the emails flow...

We are puzzled as to why Mr. Coleman refuses to remove a statement not approved by his body, but is not willing to post the statement that his body did vote on and approve. As we stated in a previous article, we have the emails and will post them here in this blog.

This will be a little long, but requires great details so that everyone can grasp what is being said and done.

After the last election cycle, the Liberty County Republican Party started having monthly meetings in addition to the quarterly meetings. At one of these meetings, with quorum, Precinct Chairman Ray Ansley  proposed a resolution for the Liberty County GOP to state it did not support the use of women's restrooms by men. You may remember this was an issue championed by Jared Woodfill in Houston and won. However, in Dallas, it was passed. Originally, Mr. Ansley was backing that the state convention be moved to Houston because of this. However, before he rose to propose his resolution, he decided to remove that section and simply ask the body to state that the party did not support this activity. The resolution passed by a large majority. However, among the very few no votes were Mr. Coleman and Terri Bivins. Part of the language of the resolution was that the party post it on the webpage and send it out in a release. Also, at this meeting, there was a vote to fund a party event in Cleveland as well. That is important to remember.

After this meeting, Terri Bivins, Paul Newton and Ken Coleman were seething with anger that this resolution passed. Why Ms. Bivins has suddenly become a champion for the trans-gendered is beyond us? Maybe that explains her love of Democrats the run as Republicans. It's at this point where things begin to go under-handed as they always do in Liberty County. Here, this story diverges into two different stories. The one the public saw, and the one that happened behind closed doors. We know both. 

Now, an angered leadership begins to plan just how they subvert the will of the body, and not mention this resolution (sound familiar?). Ken Coleman and Terri Bivins decide the monthly meetings are not official and therefore anything done there wasn't really binding. So, really business can only be done at the quarterly meeting and the resolution would have to be re-voted on then. Notice that 'funding' of an event in Cleveland is somehow not mentioned and by some weird chance, still binding.

Of course the body is going to push back against this blatant attempt to undermine a legitimate vote. So, the meetings of leadership go behind closed doors. Terri and Ken have decided there has to be some way to declare this meeting invalid. The other Vice Chairman becomes enraged that Ken and Terri would subvert the will of the body. This gentleman becomes chastised by leadership that he is somehow not a team player by disagreeing with leadership he is a part of. The issue heats up enough that leadership decides to get the general counsel of the Republican Party of Texas (Eric Opiela) involved. These are the emails we have attached.

The outcome was not in favor of Ken and Terri. As long as the Precinct Chairs are notified of the meeting and quorum is met, it is a binding meeting. It doesn't matter if it is called a workshop or anything else, it is binding. For this meeting, all Precinct Chairmen were notified via email, and the meeting was also posted on the party webpage as well as Facebook. Proper notification was met with the emails. However, Ken and Terri now move to arguing over what is 'proper notification'? Ken, clearly out of touch with modern society, decides notification is only something posted at the Courthouse. In fact this is not correct. But that doesn't matter, they have decided notification was not to their liking. So, they set out to not accept the resolution that was voted on by publicly elected representatives at a meeting. The meeting is not official, regardless of what the party general counsel has told them.

Again, major push back begins to swell up. Fearing losing his Executive Committee, Ken 'graciously' sends out notification that while he has decided these monthly meetings are not binding, as a measure of good faith, they will approve the meeting this time. This is what the public saw. A measure of good faith? No, like it or not, the meeting was binding and the general counsel of the party told them that. To come out after as a measure of good faith the King will allow it now is laughable.

Has anyone noticed nothing has been said about that 'funding' yet? See, the vote on funding was something the Chairman and Terri agreed on  and was never in question. There's only ever a question when things don't go their way.

Here's where we see yet another example (of MANY) of a rogue Chairman, with the assistance of his female Vice Chairman Terri Bivins. Notice how all the elements are connected in this County? Terri Bivins works for Rep. Otto, and is also the party Vice Chairwoman, and they are all working against those in the party that are trying to be heard. Paul Newton is appointed as webmaster (wrote the articles on the webpage) and is a personal friend of both the Coleman's and Terri. Yet, the Chairman acts surprised when he is defeated at convention? He blames some fringe group? We think it is clear the Chairman has worked pretty hard himself alienating his very own Executive Council from himself. Issues like these are common. The anger has been building for quite some time. The bubble finally bust for the Chairman at the recent convention where his very own party members worked to not seat him. If anything, it was a vote of lack of confidence in him as a fair Chairman.  

Liberty Dispatch shares this information so that the public may connect the dots and understand what has been happening. While the Chairman will post false narratives on the party webpage, he refuses to actually post legitimately passed resolutions. Ken Coleman and Terri Bivins have been working hard against the will of the party. They only have themselves to blame at this point for all that has occurred. They have ruled as Kings and the elected body has begun to push back. Now, they cry foul.

Their days are over. The last grasp they are trying for is using a completely unsuspecting candidate, Ernest Bailes, to regurgitate their lies in a last hope of retaining some kind of sway under a new elected official replacing John Otto. They won't get this with Mr. Strahan. They know this. When underhanded people fight a candidate like Mr. Strahan, there's usually a power trip at play.

We are looking forward to the new Chairman coming in and taking over in June. We can only hope he appoints a decent webmaster and cleans up that site. And, if nothing else, relegate Terri Bivins to just another Precinct Chair and not a Vice Chairman of the party. Truth be told, THAT is what the members of the executive committee wish. Will the new Chairman deliver? We will see. 

Here is a bit of the conversation with the RPT General Counsel explaining that email notification is fine and the meeting was in fact a real meeting and binding. Read from the bottom up as it is a thread

Here is the question of why the resolution has not been posted. As the leadership is behind closed doors doing everything possible to invalidate the vote.

Remember, you need to read from the bottom up, Until you get to the blue, then you can read the next page and continue onto this. We added this beautiful gem by Paul Newton (the blue) for a specific reason. He talks so eloquently here. Respect, civility, watch the rhetoric. What is puzzling here is that Paul Newton in the past month has posted everywhere he can on social media how horrible some Republicans are. He has completely insinuated lies about Mr. Strahan. He also has attacked a sitting State Rep, Johnathon Stickland by re-posting a negative ad that was used during the election challenge he had as to try to damage Mr. Strahan as Mr. Stickland backs him. . By the way, Mr. Stickland won outright his re-election, no runoff.  But, we have plenty of screen shots of Mr. Newton's behavior as of late. Those will be coming soon. 

As webmaster, Paul Newton has written most of the negative articles the body wants taken down. Also, we highlighted the funny parts as Paul Newton seems to be under the delusion he is a member of the Executive Committee. Mr. Newton simply serves at the pleasure of the Chair for a specific task (at this time). He holds not voting power. 

Newtons letter from the top down

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

More Revelations..

Terri Bivens and Ken Coleman
We have been monitoring the Liberty County Republican Party webpage and noticed the Chairman, against the Executive Committees wishes, against many pleading, still has not removed the outrageous content. Liberty Dispatch still has more video to release from the meeting that was referenced in a previous post.

It seems that not only was the Chairman insistent on crushing the Precinct Chairs in speaking to the issue to hide his misleading statements; it was revealed through more video, when Ms. Lawson finally got to speak and make her statements that Mr. Coleman went as far as trying to force the incoming Chairman into signing onto these erroneous releases.

 In fact, through one source we contacted,  we learned that the Chairman became so angry the incoming Chairman would not back his vicious lies he promised more slanderous statements. Including, threatening to even name candidates who not to support. Well, we think he's definitely shown his hand there. And just like that, it becomes clear as day to us here at Liberty Dispatch why the Chairman has been pushing a certain candidate, and amazingly that candidate is speaking publicly and propagating the very comments made in the statements made by the Chairman. If only Ernest Bailes could remember the talking points on how to sound like the Republican he pretends to be, over inaccurate information, he might be worth something.

Still, even after all of this behavior, it was almost comical to see the Chairman state at the meeting we needed to all move on and be Republicans. Not so fast Mr. Coleman, not so fast. Liberty Dispatch is sitting on a mountain of unbecoming behavior of the  Chairman. From private threats to executive committee members, to not posting actual voted on and approved statements by the local party on the website.  And plenty of collusion with Terri Bivins to undermine the will of the body (Yes, we have those emails). 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Shady Emails

Acting on a late breaking tip we received, some of you may have noticed on our post last evening we added something about emails being sent out by Gayle Coleman, the current Chairman's wife, to those on the party list favoring one candidate in the HD 18 State Representative race over another. We removed it later after the original posting so that we could gather information and dedicate a single post to it. Here it is.

First, while Mrs. Coleman has every right to support whom she chooses and has every right to speak to that matter, it becomes an issue of class and tact over mean spirited actions. While Mr. Coleman is embattled in a brawl himself over misuse of his power and refusal to follow party rules, this action certainly doesn't come across well. It only lends more to the claims by some that the Coleman's, still upset by their power being challenged, are intentionally setting out to destroy one person's campaign over the other. The email sent out by Mrs. Coleman to a number of party members included a chart of the comparison of Mr. Strahan and Mr. Bailes. Of course, it was slanted showing Mr. Strahan in an unfavorable light.

So, what is wrong with this? It's a fair question.

Mrs. Coleman has been acting as the de facto chairman of the Liberty County Republican Party for months now. All official emails with needed information have come from her email address to all party members, in name, for Ken Coleman. We have several copies of all current party business and emails are being produced and sent by Mrs. Coleman from the same email address this email about the candidates came from. It doesn't take a huge step to understand why someone conducting official business of the party then turns around and sends those very same members a candidate favorable email might be a cause of concern. In fact, the last Facebook event for the Republican Quarterly Meeting wasn't even done under the name of the Liberty County Republican Party as usual. It was made and hosted by Gayle Coleman's personal page.

Now, Mrs. Coleman holds no official position in the party, and conveniently reminds everyone of this when she is questioned over some of her actions. Well, I guess we forgot the Chairman's wife gets Queen status...oh, wrong Country. Well, it is clear to see the party is under the firm grasp of nepotism in the thirst to control all messaging. The Chairman cannot have it both ways. Either Mrs. Coleman is serving in some role for the party and should be held responsible for this, or the Chairman has again failed in his duties. "This is official one day, this is her opinion another day" from the same account is unacceptable. 

Perhaps this is yet one more reminder why so many have left the party and just have worked with other Republican and Conservative groups, or joined activism causes over serving the local party. This might be why the grassroots have abandoned the local party and sought other methods for electing candidates. Maybe, just maybe, this kind of under-handed business is why there was such a backlash at the recent County Convention against leadership. 

We have decided not to post the email sent yesterday by Mrs. Coleman in reference to Mr. Strahan. We do have the copies if needed, and as always, can provide to anyone who asks.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Video of The Local GOP Chairman Ignoring Executive Committee

We here at Liberty Dispatch realize it is one thing to discuss items and show proof of items. While we can discuss the Chairman breaking rules and not following the demands of the Executive Committee as in our past post- . Without being there, it can be said it was just hearsay.

We have obtained exclusive video of a portion of the previous Republican Party meeting in which the Chairman broke Roberts Rules and misrepresented a true understanding of them to prevent a possible censure vote or a demand that slanderous statements be removed from the official party webpage. He also was very clear he did not want the Executive Committee to be heard . In this clip Precinct Chairman Sherial Lawson had already risen once to have the agenda corrected and new business added or a possible closed session added so that the recent happenings could be discussed in private. The Chairman overruled her and said at first that he never received her email. Then the Chairman said that per the rules it had to be a 72 hour notice and only he could call an executive session and that was told to him by the Republican Party of Texas. Obviously, he was incorrect as Ms. Lawson stands to state she has called the party during this meeting and correct some untruths. This is why it picks up with her stating she has the State Parliamentarian's phone number and anyone could call him. Watch the clip below, and we'll follow up with some errors in procedure made by the chairman.

The first item of note was as soon as Mr. Coleman again overruled Ms. Lawson and said she  had to wait 72 hours after. She clearly has shown she met that timetable Next, you'll notice another Precinct Chairman, Brian Smith, rises to challenge the decision of the chair and it was seconded. This rule is very specific in order to give the body a chance to drive discussion that clearly the Chairman does  not wish to discuss. Yes, as we have previously stated, the Chairman is not a King, but merely a facilitator of the meeting. Once this challenge motion is laid,  it is not open to debate, it is not up for discussion, the body votes. Precinct Chairman, Ray Ansley is within his right to immediately rise and ask for a recorded vote. Clearly a voice from the other side of the room speaks up who is not on the executive committee saying something about bylaws. The bylaws of the Republican Party in Liberty County state that Roberts Rules of Order are to be used in meetings. It is at this point Mr. Coleman calls a recesses-WITH a motion still on the table. In essence, he has given himself a 10 minute window of discussion.  Additionally, he has once again over-stepped his authority by calling a recess without consent of the body or a vote of the body while the motion lays on the table for a vote. A vote that clearly wasn't going to go in his favor.

So, clearly, the Chairman has no respect for the order of the body but for when it suits his agenda only. This is shown even more clearly shown in later videos that evening. We will withhold those in an attempt to see if the Chairman finally heeds the advice of his Executive Committee and removes the content from the website. If not, we clearly intend to show more rule breaking, with even a former Republican Party Chairman having to correct him on some of his demands.

 Liberty Dispatch will stand by its belief that the actions of the Chairman are a disgrace to the party and the process. It shows the Chairman clearly running the meeting as his personal show while ignoring the request of duly elected representatives by the public (Precinct Chairmen), trying to reconcile an issue that was done in their name on a website representing the Liberty County Republican Party.

Mr. Chairman, clearly it is shown now, your statements on the party website were that of a personal opinion. You clearly misrepresented the views of the voting body of the party. It's time to remove the nonsense.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Local Republican Runoffs Start To Heat Up

The County Attorney’s race features Mathew Poston and Mark Beausoleil. The clear Republican in the race is Mr. Poston. Mr. Beausoleil is a former Democrat, and his wife was heavily involved in the Democrat Party as the County Democratic Chairman back in 2005.
Now, of course, the neigh sayers will say the change came as the Democratic Party pretty much ceased to exist in Liberty County. However, it is clear that Beausoleil was not leaving due to a change of heart or because she was becoming a conservative. She clearly stated she just needed more time with her family, and we respect that. However, once a liberal leaves the party to switch over they should show some progress to the ideals of the Republican Party. That hasn’t been done. We must remember in a Republican Primary we are seeking a Republican. How has Beausoleil been involved in the Republican Party? Has Liz or Mark served in the party in any official roles? In fact, both voted in the 2008 Democratic primary. You know, the primary that brought us Obama?  This is public record and can be found in voter rolls. Many Democrats will use the party label to advance to offices once a County like ours offers them no hope any longer on the Democratic ticket. Then again, Mr. Beausoleil proudly hosts his campaign ad on I dine out, run by proud Democrat Allen Youngblood. Voters should always be weary here. The choice here for true Republicans is Mr. Poston. Think this doesn’t matter? Remember the Republican Chairman has recently called out a group of lifelong Republican voters who disagree on a few issues as not upholding what he feels are proper Republican values, but not a peep here.

Now, of course there is no shortage of Democrats running as Republicans. Todd Fontenot is now running for Commissioner in Pct. 1 as a Republican. And folks if you think that gentleman is in anyway a reformed Democrat now a Republican, we have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. Clearly Commissioner McCarty has his own issues, but he is a firm Republican and Conservative we can count on. Todd Fontenot just as recently as the County Judge’s Race stated on air on 99.9 that he was running as a Republican because it was the only way to win an election now in Liberty County. It only leads to the knowledge that Conservatives have learned of Democrats running as Republicans not due to a change in principles but as a survival tool to continue their liberal agenda.

Lastly, we come to the State Representative Race between Keith Strahan and Ernest Bailes. This should be an easy one as Strahan is a local hometown guy from Liberty County and his opponent is from another County. We here in Liberty County are proud of not only having our Representative seat here, but keeping it here. There is a clear line being drawn here already that we can see as the old former Democrats flock to Bailes as well as Austin Lobbyists. We also can’t let it go unnoticed as outgoing Representative John Otto proudly has a Bailes sign in his yard. It was placed there to replace the Hinch sign which was the last losing candidate he backed couldn’t make the runoff.  Our point being, John Otto has been on a bit of a losing streak as of late. He backed Wes Hinch to the tune of $50 thousand dollars, who lost, and he put money into local precinct chair races and lost two out of the three he tried to sway the outcomes in. Perhaps John should learn what retirement means. Representative Otto was famous in his position for taking the majority of his funding from big banks and liberal Austin lobbyists. It was clear the public rejected this practice and the ignoring of the district he represented when his handpicked successor Wes Hinch was rejected. Now, we have Bailes, bringing in the same leadership money and being backed by Otto. We do not need another copy of what we have suffered under for the past few years. We need a Representative that loves and cares about Liberty County and her residents. That man is Strahan not Bailes.

What we should remember in our primary election is we are voting for who best represents our Republican values. We are not electing our friends, or who promises us the moon and stars or even who is liked or un-liked by elected officials.  We are hiring someone to do a job. Who is best to that job as a Republican is what matters. If you wish it to be who represents other values, perhaps the Democratic Primary was better suited for you. Or, you can wait till the general and vote for the Democrat, but don’t place them in our party.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

We're Back!

We're back! 

We owe Ray Akins great appreciation for handing the site over to us and his tireless work as an activist for positive change. As of today, he no longer is associated with the site, but he'll still be a contributor and consultant when he is needed. We have refreshed our writers with the new fighters and a few older ones who have been working to expose corruption, lies and downright insanity in the government and politics of Liberty in the County.

If you're looking for a liberal slant here you won't find it here. If you're looking for Tea time with country club republican's who have abandoned their principles for a personal agenda, you won't find it here.  If you're looking for accountability, red meat conservatism and transparency in what happens behind the scenes in the shadows where the elites try to hide, you're in the right place.

We realize people thought perhaps we had faded, but we haven't. We have been watching, listening and preparing. Once a long time ago we fought the good fight, exposed the lies and got the trash out of Liberty County politics and helped turn this County red. Unfortunately, this has been squandered, and slowly those very same Democrats have invaded the Republican Party. It is like many have forgotten all about the past. 

NO MORE! We will expose the corruption, the failed leadership and those who have been culpable this mess.

There are Conservative Republicans among us and there are those playing house as Conservatives to ruin this County and return the Democrats. We will not sit by ideally and watch this happen.

Buckle up! It's time to reclaim our County and Party.

Liberty County Republican Chairman Goes Rogue

Liberty County Chairman Goes Rogue

Though repeated requests and even with the prodding of a majority of 10 executive committee members, Liberty County outgoing Republican Chairman refuses party wishes to remove misinformation and slanderous statements from the party website.

One would think Mr. Coleman was the King of the Liberty County Republican Party. While attacking a grassroots republican club, the RLC, yet welcoming in Democrats to run in Republican clothing through the back door he has become a puzzling figure.

Even if we were to take away the ridiculousness of some of his claims that were made. One still has to wonder, why a website run by the Republican Party seems to hold no accountability to the very body that approves it and therefore demands it be removed. In addition, on Facebook, previous party chairmen, incoming elected officials and seated precinct chairmen are all blocked. There is no dissention allowed in the Kingdom of Coleman. It is easy to see that the chair is trying to manipulate public opinion. Any comments of agreement are left up and any trying to clarify fact from fiction are quickly blocked and deleted.

Mr. Coleman, along with his Webmaster Paul Newton should bear in mind come June 16, this control falls to another person. It might not feel so good when the table becomes turned. In fact, we know it won't feel good to the chairman as he wasn't even able to withstand a challenge and loss by his own delegation at convention without going on a public temper tantrum, shredding rules and stifling his own executive committee.

The body considered censure and even removal from office. But, as always, those with sane minds chose to once again extend a more level and fair approach and simply wanted the content removed.  Their hands once again bitten as they were silenced through a misuse of Robert's Rules.

At this point, King Coleman is a has been. His term is over. What is the greatest shame? A man that has always been level headed and a proper chair has ruined his image and will always be remembered from now out as a chairman gone rogue. The executive committee will never forget how they were mistreated by a tyrant.

However, Mr Coleman will continue his downward spiral. He is now whispering into the campaign of Ernest Bailes of exactly what to say to mimic his lies that he posted. Trashing a conservative he personally gave money to before his hurt ego came into play. It only further shames his good name to sit and watch another man outright lie and mis-character another man he has known personally and has known what was is in his heart.

Yes, good job Mr. Chairman. Good job dividing the party. Good job making the job harder for your successor. Good job trashing a man you know damn good and well has always been a part of this community as an outsider. Good job trashing a group that really has no power but is one filled with Republican voters that actually vote and care that we have conservative leadership locally. You know voters? Those things needed to win elections. Those things that won't be as easy to catch once the Obama wave is gone and real issues matter? You must be proud as a fine upstanding elder of your church dancing with the devil.
