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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Picture from a young LD reader

Good picture, Thanks... LD

Dear Liberty Dispatch and fellow Liberty County citizens,

Is it just me or has the local media’s handling of our local assistant district attorney pulling a gun on a neighbor been queer. Instead of making hay out of a salacious story, the local media is bound and determined to quiet the story down.

The local media reporting that the people who were threatened at gunpoint by Assistant DA Joe Warren are not saying exactly what they said months ago is queer also. The people felt THREATENED! Now they have Houston television and others watching and they are telling their story freely. A media that is almost always drawn to drama and conspiracy should enjoy this story. But the local media seems to be attacking the messenger.

Also I have noticed some media is acting as if the poor judgment the officer on this scene displayed in one of the many cases he has handled somehow vindicates Joe Warren. How? They never explained the connection. They also have never explained why every case this officer is involved in doesn’t get this scrutiny – why this case?

But the biggest most disingenuous part of local media’s coverage is when they act like it is unusual that the sheriff’s department has not included the district attorney’s office in every step involved in preparing to indict an assistant DA. Duh!

Rumor has it that the district attorney’s office refused to accept charges from the sheriff’s department all this week. Maybe that Mike Little was out of the loop because he was playing games with the sheriff’s department and when they refused to do their job they put themselves out of the loop.

When I heard a man had a gun pointed at him by someone on Mike Little’s staff, I thought “I am glad that wasn’t me. I thought nothing will ever happen to him, but if it were me I would be in jail.”

LD Reader Picture

LD Reader Picture

Outsider Update - DA Mike Little gives false statements to press

Houston Chronicle: Threat over dog attack leads to charges.

Yes, The Houston Chronicle is playing up the PIT BULL aspect of the Joe Warren arrest case. It is an article by Cindy Horswell and she has even drug up old stories about the lead investigator in this case. However she has also highlighted the alleged angle that DA Mike Little was left out of the loop while providing information that could only have come from DA Mike Little. Virtually every news agency is reporting that the Sheriff's Office has no comment on the case at this time, yet somehow the Houston Chronicle has dug up the name of the lead investigator. The Houston Chronicle is speaking with DA Mike Little and it’s funny how someone who claims to have been out of the loop could know so much about the case. This is nothing new to the Outsiders, we wrote about Mike Little playing dumb about this case back in October of 2010 in our article entitled: "Taking Liberty, Part 3". In that article, published on (LD), we demonstrated with numerous Public Information Act (PIA) Requests that many local governments were covering up the gun and threat aspects of the dog incident at and next door to First Assistant DA Joe Warren's home.

The Houston Chronicle article does not have any dates and as such it would lead many readers to think that this "PIT BULL" story is new and that (Banjo Music Playing in Background) the Sheriff is arresting the wrong people over the matter. This story is in fact an old case. The Strawn Family, who are next door neighbors to Joe Warren, own the pit bulls in question and have already been to court. That part of the case has already been adjudicated and the Strawn Family had their dogs returned to them long ago. However, even that part of the case was a story in and of itself as the Strawn Family had to appeal convictions from laws that were not even on the books by a local J.P. (Bobby Raider). Liberty County has been a very scary place to face charges in court, especially when one's accuser has political ties. The Outsiders also demonstrated that DA Mike Little had a history prosecuting a member of the Strawn Family in our article entitled: "Taking Liberty, Part 3". With that kind of a history it is easy to see why the Strawn Family would be fearful of filing charges against a politically connected government official. They did not file charges until after Liberty Dispatch published our story demonstrating the cover up, giving them some hope that their complaints would be taken seriously by the Sheriff's Office.

The Houston Chronicle is missing the whole point. This case is not about the dogs, it is about the cover up of what the First Assistant DA did and even the covering up of the investigation into the matter. The Outsiders have used the Texas PIA law for good reason, we now have in writing the official words from DA Mike Little's Office about the original case numbers (10-04735 & 10-0463) regarding the Pit Bull and Joe Warren Gun incident: “We do not have any records responsive to your request.” is what the DA's office had to say back on September 3, 2010. We got this “we know nothing” response on the heels of getting similar run around from both the City of Liberty and the City of Liberty Municipal Court Judge Bobby Rader. The evidence is attached to "Taking Liberty, Part 3" published on

According to the Houston Chronicle, DA Mike Little claims he's been out of the Sheriff Office's loop, but he's been saying stuff like that since September and he has continued to play dumb even after we sent him that PIA request to remind him that his First Assistant DA has issues and he hasn't even bothered to find out what. See our PIA request dated 09-01-2010 and note that point #4 reminds DA Mike Little that it involves First Assistant DA Joe Warren saying “I will kill you”. Also see the signed attached official response from Liberty County DA Mike Little dated 09-03-2010. Time will tell, but it is most certain that evidence will show that it was DA Mike Little and his staff who were deliberately avoiding this case and that is what forced the legal process to find new ways to handle this case. Remember Mr. Little is a professional obfuscator who takes great pride in his abilities to deliver his tautological disinformation to the members of the press in combination with his position as the Liberty County District Attorney.

The question is simple! Did Mr. Little tell the truth to the press regarding his statement wherein he said…

”District Attorney Mike Little said he had not received any information on the investigation from the Liberty County Sheriff's Office which filed the charges against Warren."

DA Mike Little: "My office has been left out of the loop," he said. "This has been handled in an extremely unusual way. In the past, allegations against any public official are reviewed by a grand jury before charges are filed."

The Outsiders

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Dear Liberty Dispatch

I have followed your story about the Joe Warren and Mike Little crimes, it appears Liberty Dispatch and others are close to cleaning up Liberty County.

It appears the white wash of Warren and Little's crimes is being handled by Bill Buchanan of KSHN.  The obvious attempt is to make us all believe the likes of corrupt Picket Democrat run Chip Fairchild and Billy Tidwell have investigated and everything is OK.  Its interesting to note that Billy Tidwell himself is guilty of crimes directly related to Joe Warren's crimes and cover-up.

The concern I have is that the black robes of Liberty County will allow Warren to practice in their courts.  Our Republican judges have a duty to the people of Liberty County to not condone criminals practicing in our courts.  I could see the old Democrat regime covering up and looking the other way but our judges must order Warren and Little out of their courts.

There is no way Joe Warren can be bonded as Liberty County employee with a felony charge against him. The county Judge Craig McNair needs to take decisive action and remove Warren as a county employee until Warren is adjudicated.  DA Mike Little must still believe he has CT Hight and Tookie or Fitzgerald as his puppets.

Republicans will not stand being held hostage by Mike Little anymore.

I will be present along with others to see how cases which are handled by Warren and Little are dealt with by our judges and County Judge.

OUTSIDER UPDATE: First Assistant DA Joe Warren arrested!

First Assistant DA Joe Warren was arrested today on felony charge (tampering with a witness) and two misdemeanors for brandishing a weapon & threats, but the bigger story has been the conspiracy by many public officials to cover up the records and deny that anything (even the investigation) happened at all.

Per Shirley Jackson Executive Secretary for Sheriff Henry Patterson Mr. Warren was arrested (walk in) on June 29, 2011 for the following Offenses:

Tamper w/witness
Terroristic threat
Deadly conduct

Mr. Warren was PR Bonded on all three offenses June 29, 2011 by Judge Don Burgess.

Please note: The LCSO will not be commenting on this case at this time.

In “Taking Liberty, Part 3” we demonstrated what kind of run around the public should expect when public officials become so cozy with one another that they feel they are protected from having to answer to anything they choose to do. We demonstrated that allegations of First Assistant District Attorney Joe Warren threatening to kill a neighbor were routinely covered up and the investigation was going nowhere. After our scathing report was made public, the alleged victims in this case, the Strawn family, found the courage to press charges and their concerns were taken seriously by the Sheriff's Office.

This case began when the culture of corruption in Liberty County grew to a point where certain public officials felt they were above the law. Then, when the two neighbor’s dogs started barking to determine who was dominant and a hole was dug under the fence, the death of one dog was set to escalate into a much bigger problem. Allegedly, when First Assistant DA Joe Warren’s dog was killed, he then took time to go home, get his handgun, and cross over Strawn family’s fence in pursuit of the other dogs. When First Assistant District Attorney, Mr. Joe Warren, was confronted by Mr. Strawn’s Father in Law, Mr. Frazier, First Assistant District Attorney Joe Warren threatened to kill Mr. Strawn’s Father in Law while pointing a gun to his head. Ordinarily this is bad enough, but First Assistant District Attorney Warren also made additional threats towards Mrs. Strawn. According witnesses, Mr. Joe Warren threatened, should Mrs. Strawn report the incident, First Assistant District Attorney Mr. Joe Warren made it clear to witnesses at the scene in this case, stating he would use his position as First Assistant District Attorney to prosecute Mr. Strawn “again” and send him back to prison, if they do not comply with Joe Warren’s wishes regarding the dogs.

In “Taking Liberty, Part 3” we went on to demonstrate (with PIA requests) that many public officials would cover up even the allegations of the Joe Warren gun incident and threats. Generally, whenever the questions were important regarding armed threats etc…, the authorities claimed that there were no records, but if we wanted to talk about dogs, then there were lots of records. Basically, there are two issues in the records and the government officials only want to acknowledge the one involving the dogs. Such are the actions of government officials long used to corruption and way too cozy friendships.

It has been many months since “Taking Liberty, Part 3” was first published here on Liberty Dispatch and there has been a lot of changes going on Liberty County since then, almost all of the changes are for the better. The Outsiders have long advocated that crime victims should file complaints with the appropriate government agencies to help the system work properly and it appears that doing so has paid off in this case. The Outsiders would like to thank all the government officials and citizens who had the courage to take a stand and help make the system work correctly. In the coming year, we’ll be looking forward to even more changes for the better.

The Outsiders


Liberty County DA, Joseph "Joe" Warren Mugshot
LIBERTY COUNTY DA ARRESTED- (Liberty County, Texas- 06.29.2011) Early this morning, Liberty County Assistant District attorney Joe Warren was arrested. Warren was arrested by Sheriffs Deputies for one Felony and two Misdemeanors.

Joe Warren case background.

Liberty County Assistant DA, Joseph "Joe" Warren is the person prosecuting the nationally known Cleveland Rape Cases. These charges and arrest come on the heals of criminal allegations against Joseph Warren's boss, Liberty County DA Mike Little's homosexual rape of a prisoner.

The Warren arrest is part of a broader ongoing Liberty County, Texas corruption probe by Liberty County Sheriff Henry Patterson and the Liberty County Sheriff's Department.

Liberty Dispatch contacted the Liberty County Jail and Warden Timothy New- as run by the CEC Corporation and made inquires about the arrest. CEC has refused to give out the queried public information as requested by media sources. CEC Jail Corporation is notorious for corruption, drugs, filth, inept medical treatment, inmate sex and multiple other crime scandals.

Sources indicate that Liberty County DA Mike Little was brought the charges against Joseph Warren and others multiple times and he refused to accept the charges by the Liberty County Sheriff's Department. Clearly this proves that Mike Little is guilty of criminal acts related to official misconduct, selective prosecution and dereliction of duty.


Tamper w/witness         
Terroristic threat             
Deadly conduct                

Mr. Warren was PR Bonded on all three offenses June 29, 2011 by Judge Don Burgess.

UPDATE: Liberty County DA Mike Little has said he is not firing Joe Warren.

Stay tuned for more on this evolving story.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


When Commissioner Todd Fontenot tried to get the other commissioners and the county judge to vote to build his precinct a new building, many of us wondered if Fontenot had gotten to that pickup load of pot before the bust and smoked it. Fontenot was warned years ago and he decided to go along with Lee Groce in a scheme that stretched precinct one commissioner’s area across the river. He was told that the little political game he and Groce were playing would make it too expensive for taxpayers because of the cost of moving equipment so far – unless he planned to make taxpayers buy a new building. Hello!

After Commissioner Fontenot learned that the defeat of Lee Groce and former County Judge Phil Fitzgerald meant there was new management in town and that the taxpayer was going to be considered, you would think he would behave in a way that would woo some voters towards him in the next election. But it did not.

When Liberty Commissioners voted to give notice to Phil Fitzgerald of their intention to move three county offices out of the building near Moss Hill, Fontenot let everyone know that he doesn’t get it. Nevertheless, the offices of County Fire Marshall, Constable Pct. #3, and JP #3 will move temporarily to Hardin City Hall. A new county building is constructed near the current Precinct #2 County Barn and in the meantime the rent is the same $1,200 per month was charging Fitzgerald. Liberty County Judge Craig McNair said it doesn’t look right for county officials should not be doing business with the county. But Commissioner Todd Fontenot voted against the measure! He said he “wanted more information” and cast the only dissenting vote in a 3 to 1 decision.

Todd Fontenot’s term ends December 31st 2012. If he decides he wants four more years, voters will have to agree with him the first week of November in the 2012 election. Liberty Dispatch has heard that Randy Humber is considering running for the Democratic nomination and Mike McCarty is considering running as a Republican for Commissioner Precinct #1. There are still doubts about whether Fontenot will seek another term.

Walks like a duck, talks like a duck- must be a stinking corrupt Democrat…

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Corruption in the Liberty County Courthouse- Turning The Corner

Until the recent elections, there had been a very strong undercurrent of corruption in the Liberty County courthouse for over 150 years. Until Liberty Dispatch and other good people came along, the corrupt politicians and their underlings had run the table in Liberty County. The corruption in the Liberty County courthouse was like a seething and bleeding wound that would never heal. People were very afraid to talk about or challenge the Liberty County corrupt machine.

When Liberty Dispatch and its contributors started putting heat on the corrupt politicians in the courthouse who just happened to be Democrats, some left, some hid, some suddenly became ill with cancer, some were removed from office by Liberty Dispatch promoted elections and others did nothing. Those corrupt people who have sit back and done nothing as they and their cronies were exposed- hatched up elaborate schemes to indict and persecute those who were revealing their corruption. The last Bastian of the Liberty County courthouse corruption centered in the Liberty County DA's office along with their cronies in law enforcement and a corrupt Texas Ranger, Frank Huff. Unfortunately, since the last election some of those in lead judiciary rolls have looked the other way at the oppressive and selective criminal acts and actions of the Liberty County DA's office. LD and its supporters hope those mentioned judicial leaders make a public and notorious showing against the acts of the DA's office before those leaders are deemed part of the corruption problem.

Two weeks before the last election, Republican activist paid the price by the corrupt judge CT Hight and Liberty County DA, Mike Little- when two republican activist had trumped up charges heaped upon them in a panic attack by CT Hight and Mike Little to retain power. CT High lost his bid to keep his judge's job and the two Republican activists were again indicted. The winners of that election were the people of Liberty County and the new Judge Mark Morefield who Liberty Dispatch helped achieve almost rock star status.

Most of the local Liberty County Media is also in on the corruption, they use their influence to help keep the last bit of corruption they are connected to in place. When Liberty County Sheriff, Henry Patterson started investigating the corruption in Liberty County- he and his people were harassed and investigated by corrupt Texas Ranger, Frank Huff and the Liberty County DA's office. Sheriff Patterson and his people have persevered the illegal, oppressive, selective and trumped up charges against him and people in his department. Going back to the corrupt Liberty County media, Vanesa Brashier of the Cleveland Advocate and Dayton News has made it her personal vendetta to harass Sheriff Henry Patterson and demonize his people and department. She is obviously working in tandem with the corrupt who seek to damage those who would uncover and reveal the corrupt undercurrent in Liberty County. Others who have demonstrated their part or willingness in attempts to cover-up corruption in Liberty County are Alan Youngblood of i-dineout and Bill Buchanan of KSHN radio.

Like all corruption that has the light shined on it, eventually comes the time for the corrupt to fall. Now is the time for those who have fought privately, publicly and those honest in Law Enforcement to enjoy the fruits of their hard work. Better yet, now is the time for the people of Liberty County to look forward to a time when they no longer live in a corrupt and illegally oppressive community.

Let’s all selflessly do our part to fight the corruption in Liberty County for the sake of our families and future generations as we- 'turn the corner'.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

James "Whitey" Bulger nabbed by the FBI

Legendary Boston crime boss James "Whitey" Bulger, who has been on the run for more than a decade, was arrested Wednesday in Santa Monica by the FBI.

Bulger, 81, has been the subject of several books and was the inspiration for "The Departed," a 2006 Martin Scorsese film staring Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon and Jack Nicholson.

Bulger fled Boston in late 1994 as federal agents were about to arrest him in connection with 21 killings, racketeering and other crimes that spanned the early 1970s to the mid-1980s.

Congratulations FBI!

See the FBI Bulger Wanted Poster here

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


For years it has been amazing to hear liberal environmentalist act like conservative Texans that were raised hunting and fishing and farming were not concerned about our environment. It has been ridiculous to hear how liberals brag about how they were standing up for the spotted owl and saving the whales while talking on their cell phones and driving their Cadillacs and how they were morally superior to Texans driving pick up trucks with pro life bumper stickers as they go about killing coyotes and other predators, rotating crops, planting acres of new pines, and restocking their ponds. I don’t agree with much these self proclaimed intellectuals and elites say, but there is one area I agree wholeheartedly on. DON’T WASTE PAPER (PERIOD).

If you were to ask me what happened that made me think of writing on this topic I would tell you it was a walk to the end of my driveway. After today’s rain I went to the end of the driveway to pick up trash someone had thrown in my yard. I picked up the partially wet trash by the grabbing the plastic bag. Inside the bag was an unsolicited newspaper. The portion of the paper I could still read told me several things. On the front page it told me there was a story somewhere in the paper about something that happened in Coldsprings. It also listed a story about a woman in Houston who had murdered all of her kids. Just as I noticed another story about another town outside of Liberty County I noticed the editor’s name. Vanesa Brashier.

That got me to wondering: Was this worth even a portion the wood of a tree? It made me wonder was a paper put together by Brashier for Liberty County distribution worth even printing if most of the ink just rehashed stories covered on the evening news on television or if the headlines helped me to save time reading a story about how it rained today.

It made me wonder how many of these newspapers are thrown in driveways like mine and are simply picked up and brought straight to the trash can? It made me wonder how bloated the numbers might be that indicate to advertisers how many people receive this paper. It made me wonder why anyone would advertise in newspapers today when anyone that listens to the news knows it is a dying industry.

No, I am still not a tree-hugger, but I love the outdoors – the animals, the water, the air, and the trees. Oh the wonderful trees. Finally an area we agree on: The trees cut down to print a newspaper full of fluff pieces, riddled with stories about communities outside of our county, and biased by a liberal editor who refuses to spend her time reporting on allegations of wrongdoing by her last few friends that have survived the purging of Democrats from elective office in this county.

In conclusion, I have no idea how a paper like this survives or who reads it, but I do know the Democrat who receive a pay check from the paper or who receive all kinds of slanted publicity from it appreciate even the conservatives who help support it.

Save a tree, don't take a newspaper, ergo- Cleveland Advocate & Dayton News.

Monday, June 20, 2011


In the June 14th budget workshop Liberty County Judge Craig McNair(R) eliminated any doubts about how serious he is about using a new and conservative approach in leading this county out of the financial hole Democrats have dug over the years. McNair wants to flex his Republican muscles and began the process of using the mandate voters gave him last November to search out and eliminate wasteful unnecessary spending and put an end to the kind of spending that leads to raising taxes.

Over the years County Audit Harold Seay has diligently warned past commissioners courts about unrealistic spending and issuing bonds and allowing the effective tax rate to rise, etc. But all of them refused to scrutinize and examine county spending and instead gave themselves raises and borrowed money for their own pet projects almost every chance they got. Harold Seay's wisdom has fallen on the deaf ears of Liberty County Commissioners, Liberty County is now paying a severe price.

Republican officeholders may not say it, but it’s right there in black and white. The waste of bloated budgets from past years is undeniable. The kingdoms being built by Democrat officeholders are now threatening to choke an already heavily burdened taxpayer in tough economic times. Huge increases in some department budgets like the District Attorney’s have been leading us to disaster. The D.A.’s budget is an extreme example because it has more than doubled and at the same time produced fewer results. Now even that department, with their ability to indict a ham sandwich, is under the microscope of the first Republicans on this commissioners’ court in over a century.

Other areas are being given equal time under the microscope. County Judge Craig McNair observed, “We have four precincts and six JP’s and constable areas. We are funding these constables and JP’s and all that we are required to have is four. That’s something that I’ve never understood.” A classic example of Democrat run overspending.

The one Republican Justice of the Peace we have had for years (Bobby Rader) actually brings more money in than he spends, but reducing the number of justices of the peace or constable’s offices to the state required four, instead of the current number which is six, in order to reduce spending is a big step towards creating a balanced Liberty County budget. The County Judge continued, “We have constables that have deputy constables while they work another job. We’re paying for cars and all that. I understand by statue that the only job they have to do is serve papers. We have constables that are trying to thumb their budgets and become their own little police department, effectively a sheriff’s department law enforcement agency, when they are really way exceeding what they need to be doing and mandated by law to do.”

Liberty County officials are considering reducing the number of constables and justice of the peace offices from six to four in order to drastically reduce spending for next year’s budget. A truly Conservative and Republican move needed for financial relief.

We live in a time when we must have a leader we whose priority is to do what is best for WE THE PEOPLE. We need commissioners’ court to forget about doing what is popular, forget about trying to save the Cadillac version of a county-wide employee health insurance plan, forget about trying to stay on the D.A.’s good side, and forget about using taxpayer money to get votes. We need, as Judge McNair said, “a 25% reduction”.

Some decisions should be easy. One should be to dock Pct. 4 Commissioner Norman Brown money out of his budget for getting his usual “election time emergency road repair money” before last November’s election. This is no time for exceptions or partisanship. That is what got us where we are. Brown switched party affiliation in that election but he has continued to behave in the way that caused our current struggles. The hole we are trying to dig out of was created by this kind dipping into the county’s fund balance for “special expenses” instead of only using the revenue that is collected each year. Now we have commissioner Todd Fontenot(D) who in the middle of all the Liberty County financial shortfalls, is trying to spend our money on several unneeded buildings and other pork barrel spending.

In that recent mentioned county workshop there was no bad news, just recognition of what some have been complaining about for years. There was good news though… Craig McNair ran as a conservative Republican and WE THE PEOPLE elected him and it appears as though we got the real thing.

“We’re going to set a trend and we’re going to get there,” said McNair. “It may not be this year, but we are going to get there. At the next meeting we’ll be setting salaries and expenses of elected officials.”

The fruits of Liberty Dispatch’s election support for Craig McNair may turn out to pay dividends for Liberty County voters and for Craig McNair(R) to be one of the best County Judges in Liberty County history.

The job ahead will not be easy for Craig McNair, he deserves our support and prayers in order to help him achieve these historic goals.

By, LD Contributors

Friday, June 17, 2011

Dear Liberty Dispatch

I am happy to report surviving the 24 hours a day, seven days a week coverage of the Weiner case. Maybe now that he has resigned we will get to hear what is going on elsewhere or other than behind the computer of the liberal mouthy former Democratic Congressman.

I can not help but wonder what would have happened if Weiner would have stayed away from the media and never commented on his cyberspace sins. We have an example of what could have happened right here in Liberty county with District Attorney Mike Little.

There is no “cyberspace” charges against Little. He can not claim, like his fellow Democrat Weiner did, that no crime has even been talked about. Little has been accused of forcing sex on a male prisoner of the county. But Little has received no press scrutiny from the local papers or the local radio station.

Weiner had a former porn star come forward and speak about her exchange with him. Her account of their relationship was televised over and over and over. Little has a prisoner named Blue who, according to your website, lacks the intellectual capacity to lie very effectively or very believably. But the case is still going forward.

Mike Little, however, has not felt like he owes the public any comment on this matter. And the local media must have similar feelings. Little’s silence may not tell us anything, but his pals in the local media being silent may make us wonder about everything we have ever heard regarding him.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


There is nothing unusual about having unfilled precinct chairmanships in either party in Liberty County politics. But Liberty Dispatch thinks it is a unique and exciting time in Liberty County to be a Republican and therefore we are posting the areas or the polling places that have vacancies on the Liberty County Republican Party Executive Committee. If you are of voting age, live in Liberty County, and did not vote in the last Democrat party primary and area conservative interested in one of these positions please give us contact information in the comment section with this posting or contact Republican Party Chairman Andy McCreight.

Vacant – Pentecostal Church Hw105, Moss Hill
Vacant – Devers School Band Hall Hwy90, Devers
Vacant – Calvary Baptist Church 15 CR 129, Liberty
Vacant – County Commissioner PCT3 Building, S. Fenner, Cleveland
Vacant - HD High School, Daisetta
Vacant – Dolen Baptist Church 100078 FM 787, Dolen
Vacant – Our Mother of Mercy Church Old Bmt. Hw @ FM 160, Ames or Country Club
Vacant – 900 Samuel Walley Douglas School Building, Cleveland
Vacant – West Lake Vol. Fire Dept. 8704 FM1409, Dayton
Vacant – Tarkington Fire Dept. 22353 Hw 321, Tarkington
Vacant – Simmons Bottom Church 417 CR 2326, Kenefick

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Texas Governor Perry To Run For President

According to sources close to Republicans in Austin, Texas- Governor Rick Perry is to run for President. Sources indicate if Perry runs as expected, Perry will announce his run for President on or about July 4th.

Good Luck to Perry...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dear Liberty Dispatch

I am sure you, along with your conservative readers, will enjoy the truths finally being told about Vietnam.

The revelations the public can read in the details of the newly released Pentagon Papers point to a lying and deceiving President John Kennedy and a lying and deceiving President Lyndon Johnson. Disillusioned veteran Daniel Ellsberg was concerned that these two Democrats were willing to sentence American teenagers to death serving this country’s military in a war that they did not think we could win. Ellsberg is not raptured with any dreams of Camelot and the beauty of First Lady Jackie. He paints a picture of a country betrayed.

No news there. Anti-war, anti-Vietnam people would agree with the idea of our leaders betraying us. But time and a lack of understanding of the situation and partisan politics have led some to dump a disproportionate amount of blame on President Richard Nixon.

Nixon was no conservative by any measure, but he also dealt with Vietnam far better than his Democrat predecessors. For anti-war people – Nixon pulled the troops out. For others – Nixon, more than the others, refused to just keep up appearances and let our young people die because of politics.

What people under fifty need to realize about Nixon is that his Presidency went sideways when he tied to deal with leaks of national secrets that at that time were unprecedented they were leaks indicating how different the circumstances in Vietnam were from what the Democrat Presidents had said. When Nixon tried to plug the holes he was not supported by the Supreme Court and e made poor choice in how to deal with trying to fix the mess given to him by the two donkeys before him.

In conclusion, Liberty Dispatch readers who watch the powerful in media twist and pervert should really enjoy hearing them continue to demonize Nixon while it is clear he stands on the shoulders of Johnson and Kennedy wherever he is today.

Monday, June 13, 2011


In a regular zoo no one I know has ever said they have seen it, but observers of “the political zoo” might see just about anything – even a RINO committing suicide.

In the political zoo a RINO is a person who may seem to some to be a Republican but in reality they are a Republican In Name Only. And we have seen them infect our elections nationally and we have begun to see them infect them right here in Liberty County.

Famous people that have been called RINO’s on the national scene in the last include everything from sitting Republican incumbent Senators to the Republican nominees for President. For example in the last Presidential election John McCain was a consensus candidate that was acceptable to moderate Republicans and independents, but he has never been a consistent conservative vote that could be counted on. In Alaska Lisa Murkowski was the alternative to a dynamic outspoken conservative who actually won the Republican primary. Or for years in Pennsylvania (Arlan Spector) and in Maine (Olympia Snow), we have had Republican Senators who have consistently voted against conservative legislation. Some of these people have kept us from either having real conservative leadership, or they have kept voters from seeing Democrats win election and fail as elected officials.

In contrast to many of the national RINO’s who have survived and continued to hold office despite their lack of loyalty to the most important of Republican values, local RINO’s here in Liberty County will effectively be committing suicide if the voters are informed about the difference in their behavior and their rhetoric.

In Liberty County, as new as we are to electing Republicans to serve in local offices, we already have some failing to act like Republicans. Any Republican that has been elected here in Liberty County should be warned they if the public becomes aware that they are behaving like RINO’s, real Republicans will be found to run for the office they hold and they will be defeated in the Republican primary. Primary voters are less tolerant of people portraying themselves as like them when in actuality they are much different in the way they serve the public. Continuing to take either of the following two stances in their capacity as an elected Republican will effectively be committing political suicide:

1)A public official that takes a “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” attitude toward wrongdoing going on in and around the courthouse. Many of the Republican primary voters in Liberty County are voting for a change from the good ole boy type of corrupt candidate who cuts corners to a businesslike candidate who wants to roll up their sleeves and work hard to find solutions and improve this county in every way possible. People who just want a job and when they are elected they just want to stay out of trouble should be rejected by Republicans – we want energetic problem solving public servants who have a vision for how to make this community more successful.

2)Any public official elected by Republicans should be aware that most Republican primary voters are more serious about small limited government and the idea that public officials should be wise and conservative when spending taxpayer money. RINO’s may want to play games with semantics and raise taxes, but primary voters are more aware of the game playing that has gone in with the effective rate and appraisals and bonds and fees – they know local Democrats have been spending money like drunken sailors and falsely claiming they have not made the burden taxpayers any heavier.

So let’s be real clear. Many of us Republican primary voters may like you. We may like your family. We may wish you well. But IF local Republicans with any thoughts of holding local office think they can just give lip service to those things Republican primary voters are looking for, THEY ARE WRONG. We are not putting a target on their back, they are. Anyone behaving like described or helping people that have a track record of behaving this way will be committing political suicide. 

NOTE: Some RINO’s love to join Democrats and point out that Republicans are spending money on this or that. For example, we are sure some will continue to come forward and point to the fact that a Republican added a court reporter to the expense of one of our courts. This kind of ignorance will help us identify people who do not understand what true conservatism is. In order to run that court properly we should have had a court reporter years ago. This is an example of spending taxpayer money wisely. We will not be used to beat down our own people. People that try to identify true Republicans as enemies to the taxpayers will really be identifying who it is that plays harmful political games in order to try and gain some kind of personal advantage.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Dear Liberty Dispatch

Sometimes it appears that Vanesa Brashier, Allen Youngblood, and Bill Buchanan are all pieces of the same media cover up operation. But who really knows the truth when it is obvious they look for any information to validate what they want the truth to be. For example, if you risk confusing the truth with spin and read the little local food/car wreck/gossip blog then you know she called KHOU TV CHANNEL 11 and asked who notified them. When CHANNEL 11 said it was the LCSO (according to the lady at i-dineout), they stopped their investigation.

CHANNEL 13 clearly indicated on their website that they were notified about this event by Vanesa Brashier, editor of both The Dayton News and The Cleveland Advocate. Were they called in the “investigation” by local media to find out how this story spread to so many news outlets? There is no telling how many places this “new story” spread just from this one phone call of Vanesa Brashier’s.

Years of this kind of reporting by our local newspapers and our local radio station make me wonder if psychics are where we are getting most of our local news most of the time. These are “news” outlets that have paid sponsors and paid staffs of people and claim to have no political orientation? But here we see them confirming their theories by calling the least likely people to expose a truth different from the way they hope it to be.

No wonder this courthouse has been so filthy for so many years. The people the Constitution gives freedom to investigate and comment on political corruption, THE PRESS, have not only failed, they have been part of the problem.

The question remains: Why has Vanesa Brashier and the rest of the little media suck ups NOT done news reports on allegations Liberty Dispatch has posted. Let them debunk them or let them confirm them, but silence… It is not acceptable.

Original (sanitized) Posting from KTRK 13 Houston

After the over the air briefing of KTRK Channel 13 by Vanesa Brashier, Editor of the Cleveland Advocate and Dayton News- This KTRK story was quickly scrubbed off their website after the story was found to be a hoax. (sanitized) Liberty Dispatch appreciates that KTRK was trying to take the heat off Brashier but sources indicate she called and spoke to many news organizations. Liberty County Sheriff Henry Patterson, by and through The Liberty County Sheriff's Department went through all the legal and appropriate motions necessary to clear this situation. Brashier inflamed the media into a frenzy and made The Liberty County Sheriff's Department have to act and answer where they would not have normally had to- just because of a "psychic" tip.  Sheriff Henry Patterson was personally on site to support his men.

Brashier disseminated the shredded child bodies drumbeat, not the Sheriff's Department.  The Liberty County Sheriff's Department DID NOT send out any emails or other information related to the "tip" or even contact KTRK- Brashier did- read below.

LIBERTY, TX (KTRK) -- The Liberty Co. Sheriff's Office is investigating a tip of possible bodies at rural home near Hardin, in Liberty County. Nothing is confirmed at this point, but authorities say they first received a tip on Monday night from someone claiming to a psychic that there were bodies in a home on County Road 2048 at Duff Road, near Hardin. Authorities say the person called back again Tuesday morning with the same claims and that they had to take tips like this seriously.

Vanesa Brashier of The Cleveland Advocate, one of our Houston Community Newspaper partners, told Eyewitness News over the phone she was told by the sheriff's department that the tip claimed there were possible dismembered bodies of children. Law enforcement authorities say a cadaver dog then made a positive hit where their source had claimed bodies to be.

However, authorities still haven't found any corpses and deputies are still waiting for a Texas Rangers search warrant to arrive so they can search the home.

The Liberty County Sheriff's Department told Brashier they found some circumstances that have raised some questions. However, earlier today, the sheriff's department told her they found blood on the scene.

At this time, deputies say there is no evidence of any deceased persons, but they have yet to enter the home.

Officials with the FBI are on the scene assisting with the investigation. They say they will make an FBI evidence response team of forensic experts available if needed. Federal authorities say they have not been able to confirm yet that any bodies have actually been discovered.

The Cleveland Advocate reports that a 16-year-old neighbor told them she's friends with a woman who moved out of the home a week ago. The girl's friend had reportedly lived at the home with her fiance and, part of the time, with her parents, who are long-haul truck drivers.

We have multiple crews working on this story and we'll bring you the latest news as it develops.

Story posted 2011.06.07 at 07:37 PM CDT (Source KTRK)


Authorities investigate dismembered bodies tip in Liberty County 

By VANESA BRASHIER and Staff Reports Houston Community Newspapers

Acting on a macabre tip in regard to a possible mass grave of 25-30 dismembered bodies, perhaps belonging to children, the Liberty County Sheriff's Office on Tuesday, June 7, closed down CR 2048 at CR 2049 in Hardin. As of 6:18 p.m., CDT, Tuesday, no bodies had been found and authorities, including FBI agents, were awaiting a search warrant.

The department received the tip on Tuesday afternoon, which immediately led deputies to a home on CR 2048, said department Public Information Officer Capt. Rex Evans. Local media outlets are reporting the tipster said the location was a burial site containing 25-30 bodies; nevertheless no bodies had been discovered at the time of those earlier reports.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


After hearing Liberty County’s Commissioners and the County Judge were having a budget workshop Tuesday, I decided to try and visit with our new County Judge the next day. County Judge Craig McNair has an open door policy and my impromptu visit with him was as refreshing as an ice cold drink of water on a hot summer day. As I walked down the steps of the courthouse after our conversation and headed toward my truck, I couldn’t help but think we are finally in the next stage after the “help is on the way” stage. We are now in the “help has arrived” stage.

After years and years of hearing local politicians brag about what they are going to do on this project or that project and cleverly laying out how they will get the money to do all of the things they want to do, we finally heard from a conservative County Judge. Judge McNair’s down to earth, realistic approach to the county’s economic plight was far from that of a braggart; and taking credit for future plans or blaming someone for past mistakes seemed to be the furthest thing from his mind.

Judge McNair talked in terms of what “we” have to do to get this county on good solid financial ground. There was no finger pointing. He was not interested in naming names of the Commissioners or department heads who were still trying to increase their budget or get money for special projects. He was focused on letting me know that our leaders are well aware of the fact we are in tough times and that in this kind of environment tough, sometimes unpopular decisions, would be the key to our success and maybe even our economic survival.

It is probably not the most fun time to be a county judge in Texas, but the 25% across the board cuts Judge McNair and the Commissioners will be aiming for could make their decisions some of the most important decisions made in Liberty County’s history. If Judge McNair has a majority and the county can actually pull back the reigns this far on the spending, it will have an immediate and positive effect on the county and the threat of raising taxes will immediately vanish.

Great leaders adjust to the circumstances and do what is best for the community. If our leaders can work together and get this done, we can hope that this same team will see a big turn around and somewhere in the future when circumstances change we can set priorities and again start working on those things that improve Liberty County.

In the meantime, it is comforting to know help has arrived. Finally!

Richard Pegues

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


(06/07/2011- Liberty County, Texas) Today was a big day for Vanesa Brashier, we all heard her on Channel 13 News talking about a fantastical story, Vanesa’s first Pulitzer Prize. First a 12 year old prostitute rape victim - excuse us, a 11 year old debutant gang raped from Cleveland, Texas on multiple occasions. Now a story she spearheaded from a media tip of children's bodies shredded to pieces and buried everywhere.

Poor Vanesa, she only wanted to be like Cindy Horsewell of the Houston Chronicle.

Early in the evening the Channel 13 NEWS website identified their tipster as the editor of The Cleveland Advocate and The Dayton News, Vanesa Brashier. The initial story was about a massive search by the Liberty County’s Sheriff’s Department for the bodies of what some say was an estimated 30 bodies of dismembered East Texas Children.  Then later reading of the Channel 13 NEWS website reported said the whole massive effort was a “bad tip” and that now the “search was for tipster”.  Then the Channel 13 website Vanesa video interview and story naming Vanesa mysteriously disappeared.

STAY TUNED to find out if Vanesa Brashier has now come up missing- we guess she wont be available for any late breaking exclusives. We have heard tale of a UFO sighting she is calling Channel 11 on…

We find it a bit ironic that some have said Brashier set this whole thing in motion with Channel 13 based off of the tip of an unverified and unknown local psychic. Outside of any hopes by Brashier for fame and television (which she got….but now will be seen as a negative), Liberty Dispatch has to wonder now that we know how low Brashier’s threshold is for pursuing a lead WHY SHE HAS NOT PURSUED THE FOLLOWING STORIES THAT ARE BASED ON EVIDENCE MUCH BETTER THAN A PSYCHIC :

1) Chip Fairchild’s illegal activity connected to obtaining and selling Hardin ISD property.
2) The Liberty DA Mike Little homosexual rape of a prisoner by the name of Michael Lynn Blue, now a case in full legal swing.
3) The murder of retired school teacher by Russell Fairchild.
4) The illegal hiding of bankruptcy assets by Terri Fairchild and her new hiring by Liberty County DA, Mike Little.
5) The stolen Liberty County law library books by judge CT “Rusty” Hight.
6) The assault with a deadly weapon by assistant DA Joe Warren.
7) The illegal wiretaps and computer email taps of public officials and citizens by Liberty County DA Mike Little and Texas Ranger Frank Huff.

And the list goes on and on…

Vanesa, tell us where the bodies are buried, where are you now?

Monday, June 6, 2011

Spies and Illegal Activity in the Liberty County Courthouse

Liberty Dispatch has been given information that spies in the Liberty County Courthouse have been intercepting 'official' email communications and website traffic since 2008.

The spying centers on mainly the emails of Judge Chap Cain, then later Judge Mark Morefield, Judge Tommy Chambers, County Judge Craig McNair and Sheriff Henry Patterson and Department.

The persons alleged to have operated the 'law-enforcement grade' software and hardware spying devices on the Liberty County servers are Vickie Locke and John Gaudet. Recently they were relieved of their IT job by County Judge Craig McNair and prior IT administrator Darrell Taylor was rehired.

The people alleged to have been the masterminds of the "spy ring" and recipients of the illegal intercepts were Liberty County DA Mike Little, Texas Ranger Frank Huff, Former County Judge Phil Fitzgerald and past Liberty County Judge “Rusty” Hight.

After being soundly defeated in the most recent election, Past District Judge “Rusty” Hight completely wiped his Liberty County issued computer hard-drive along with all the county programs and emails. Next, “Rusty” Hight removed from his office the entire county owned law book library to his relative's law office, Liberty County attorney Zbranek and Baker.

Former Liberty County Judge Phil Fitzgerald and Commissioner Lee Groce have both since been indicted by federal grand juries.  Liberty Dispatch has also been given information that federal prosecutors have an interest in the illegal intercept spy ring.  Federal prosecutors have worked honestly and diligently to protect the interest of Liberty County as relates to FEMA monies.

Meanwhile, the emails of the above named county officials continued to have their emails illegally intercepted by Liberty County DA Mike Little and Ranger Frank Huff.  Recently, Liberty County Sheriff Henry Patterson has created an initiative to uncover and have Liberty County Corruption investigated and prosecuted.

As of this date it is unknown whether criminal complaints have been filed. It is unknown if Liberty County Sheriff Henry Patterson or the FBI have started investigations.

This type of illegal activity by Little, Fitzgerald, Hight and Huff is an outrage against the people of Liberty County.

Internet Privacy

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Local Democrat Leaving Office

Liberty County Tax Collector, Mark McClelland is set to soon announce his leaving office- which will occur in the fall.

McClelland is a long time Democrat who has not migrated or tried to migrate to the Republican Party.

Liberty Dispatch is interested in his replacement which McClelland has reportedly already chosen.

Stay tuned for this evolving story.