Breitbart News

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

PARTISANSCHIFF: by Andrew McCreight

Adam Schiff is one of the most insignificant human beings that has ever occupied space on planet earth.

I cannot believe that the Democrats are allowing this Political Animal to drag them down into the political abyss. He is the worst example of what a politician should be. He is loyal to himself only. I do not believe that he has the best interest of the country at hand.

I do not care what comes out of the Impeachment Proceedings. I will henceforth an forever support President Donald Trump. He has turned the Washington Establishment on its head.  He has done what no President has done before. He has created a Super Nova Economy. He has lifted more people out of poverty than any Human Being that has ever existed. He is a champion of the military. He has taken back control of World Events instead of bowing to foreign Leaders. He is making our Allies and Foes pay for are no longer having to shoulder all of the financial burden to keep Europe and the rest of the planet safe. HE IS DRAINING THE SWAMP!

As for as Quid Pro Quo goes when it comes to Ukraine, SO FN BE IT!

I want to know who was behind the corrupt attack on Candidate Donald Trump's campaign for the President of the United States. I want to FN know if Joe Biden's son was paid off and by whom. I want to know if Joe used the power of the Vice Presidents Office to Protect his Son. I want to know if the Ukrainians helped Hillary Clinton with the rotten no count Russian Conspiracy Connection that was never proven by Mueller, Comey, and the Deep State! I want just one of these sorry ass bastards to go to jail and prove to the American People that Justice is not a one way street. It is OK for democrats to go to jail!

I can say bad things about Democrats because in my younger years I was one.

But F'em now!

Saturday, November 23, 2019


HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- The Liberty County District Attorney has been arrested for assault in downtown Houston. Logan Pickett, 38, was taken into custody Saturday morning at the Westin Houston Downtown hotel, according to Houston police.

Pickett's wife told the hotel front desk clerk that she and her husband were at an event at Minute Maid Park and went to dinner before returning to the hotel. She said she found out after dinner that Pickett had been having an affair for the past 15 months, according to police, causing an argument to begin. That is when police say he pushed his wife, causing her to hit her head. Medics on the scene determined she needed three stitches to close her wound, but police say she refused medical attention. Pickett is charged with assault against a family member, a class A misdemeanor.

After confirming that the couple was attending an event, Pickett told police he had nothing more to say. Pickett was sworn in as the Liberty County District Attorney in 2013. He graduated from South Texas College of Law in 2006, according to the Texas Bar Association.

Prior District Attorney Michael Little left office in 2012 after he was accused of trading sexual favors with criminal defendants male and female. Michael Little placed Logan Picket into office to take his place. Logan Pickets dad, Carl Pickett Mayor of Liberty Texas, in a Quid Pro Quo move appointed Michael Little as Liberty Texas Municipal Judge. When Michael Little appointed Logan Pickett as interim District Attorney, Liberty Dispatch warned Liberty County there were serious allegations of Logan Pickett beating his wife in Harris County and Liberty County. It is also alleged Logan got out of his continued pattern of domestic violence through his father’s connections as Mayor of Liberty, Texas.

The Liberty County corruption continues .... the Lord has much work left to do in Liberty County. The curse continues until the Liberty County corruption swamp is drained. Who will fall next?


Sunday, November 17, 2019

Congressional Republicans should hold an informational meeting-Outside the Schiff Show! :by Andrew McCreight

After watching the Impeachment Hearing Fiasco, I would like to ask the Republicans to hold informational meetings such as the Town Hall meetings they hold individually in their home districts.

Set it up as an informal hearing. Call all the witnesses that they wanted to have at the Adam Schiff Show. Ask all the questions that they wanted to ask at the Schiff Show.

Let the American people hear from people who are not Democrat Operatives.

After the informal hearing, I want President Trump to fire Kent and Taylor and any other Obama hold overs that are still in the Trump government.



Sunday, July 14, 2019

Rail Stories-by Andrew McCreight

In the early Eighties, I was on a freight train headed west from Echo-Orange to Houston. We had departed Orange and was in the river bottom when we were informed on the locomotive radio that Beaumont yard had a derailment and that we would have to hold up east of the KCS bridge.

The engineer and I were on the head end of the train. We sat there for several hours waiting on instructions to head towards Beaumont. The conductor and rear brakeman were on the caboose. We had not communicated with them since we left Echo because the caboose radio did not work and in those days only old head conductors had walkie talkie hand held radios. Anyway, the conductor and brakeman  got concerned about was going on and they walked the 100 car train to the head end.

After everybody got on the Locomotive, we explained that were being held out by Beaumont Yard.
During our conversations something impacted our train from the rear. We did not realize that Amtrack had been following our block signals. Apparently the engineer had been short flagging the signals at speed that did not allow him to stop his train before impacting the rear of our train.
One thing in defense of the Amtrack engineer is that it was rainy and foggy. Our caboose marker was inoperative and they did not see our rear end until right at impact.

After the impact, we all looked at each other in amazement because our 100 car train move a couple car lengths with the engine breaks set up. After making an educated guess, we all came up with the Amtrack scenario. We immediately started calling out on the radio and the crew on Amtrack acknowledged that they had rear ended our train. The Amtrack locomotive front draw bar had been impaled into our caboose and the caboose ended up looking like an accordion! If our conductor and brakeman had not walked to the headend of our train, they would have died that day!

All involved were very lucky that day! Although there were several injuries, no one was killed.

My President: President Trump-by Andrew McCreight

I have found it difficult to write political articles as of late because President Trump just Keeps On Winning!

He beat the Clinton/Mueller/Comey/DNC/Cnn/Democrat Party Russian conspiracy. He hunkered down, took all the abuse, and came out a strong political force.

He has put the Democrat Party in a tail spin. They are eating their own. I do think it is funny that AOC has labeled Pelosi as a Racist! This is too funny. Identity politics has come home to roost in the Democrat Party.

Another very humorous item is the Left Wing attack on Joe Biden. I don't know what Joe was thinking when he thru his name in the Hat for the Democrat Party Presidential Nomination. I guess he forgot that he is an Old White Male and no matter how much he crawfishes and apologizes the Left will not tolerate diversity! After all, these left wing nuts are as Racists, Intolerant, Mean Ass, Violent in Action, and Anti-American as any Right Wing Nazis organization that exist. I have no use for either!

Dear Mr. President keep on doing what you are doing! We Love You!

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Future of Liberty County, Texas Politics

Old picture of the Liberty County Courthouse "1939"

The future of Liberty County politics will be decided in the social media arena, like facebook, twitter and new platforms to come. Past generations of Liberty County politicians may have been elected by who they knew, but not now. Elections and times have changed and so has technology.

Yard signs and candidate forums will be a small part of what gets people elected or sent packing in Liberty County, Texas in the future. The social media age has arrived, even Liberty County print news and radio are ineffective in local elections [waste of money].

The last election saw scoundrels and carpetbaggers make a run for public office. We had a convicted felon [Smith] on facebook ramping people up for Donna Brown as well as other sorted lowlifes like attorney [Mark Beausoliel] who made a play for office on facebook, all subsequently exposed and shut down. Even Bill Buchanan at KSHN radio [now out of business] with his lies and forum rigging didn't have an effect on the last elections either.

'We The People' are now empowered and not deceived by dirtbag candidates, news personalities [influence peddling] and carpetbaggers.

If you believe the last election was hot, wait till you see the next general election, LD will be there and reporting, we report the lies and dirtbags trying to get elected in a little county in Texas called- Liberty...

By, R. Akins

Monday, July 1, 2019

Demonic Radio Broadcast in Liberty County

(07/01/2019 Liberty County, Texas) Today, after 40 plus years of degrading and destroying Liberty County, Texas - William "Bill" Buchanan has sold KSHN Radio. Sources close to LD allege that Bill Buchanan is suffering from advanced stages of dementia and cannot run the radio station anymore.

This is another chapter closing of a morally corrupt and evil individual in Buchanan/KSHN and his sidekicks including "Wendy Harrington" aka "Tiffany York".

Through the years Buchanan promoted a yearly children's Easter Egg hunt, sponsored by his radio station with radio host Eric Latz, convicted violent child molester, rapist.

Buchanan is also well know for sticking his microphone in the faces of young parents and others who had recently lost loved ones.

Buchanan is also well known for his fake news reporting and left leaning manufactured candidate forums.

Donations through the years in hard dollars from Buchanan and KSHN to the community were scarce and seldom ever seen in the 40 plus years of operation. Buchanan was a very greedy man....

Buchanan moved into Liberty County, Texas many years ago from Kentucky as a carpet bagger and found a community ripe for his demonic victimization.

Apparently the Demonic Radio Broadcast from Buchanan and company at the Liberty KSHN have been sold to a Christian Broadcasting network, how ironic... A note on the KSHN website states KSHN will continue to broadcast their demonic work from the internet as a blog.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Attorney William Barr: by Andrew McCreight

It is always interesting to watch God do his work. I think that he placed AG William Barr into a position to help America move past some of the craziness of the Obama Era. We all have that knawing feeling deep down in our political gut that Barrack, Holder, Clinton, Lynch, Comey, CIA upper management, FBI upper management were all involved in an intricate scheme to ensure that Hillary Clinton was elected President of the United States of Russian Conspiracy that was perpetrated on the American People.

 We watched in dismay as the Deep State attacked an American Citizen who soon became the President of the United States. Although Donald Trump comes across as a rogue imperfect animalistic arrogant old white privileged son of bitch, the fact is we Elected that Imperfect Glorious Bastard.


Now comes William Barr!

It is my hope that he will get to the bottom of the Obama-Clinton-Russian Conspiracy. It is my hope that all the players who participated in this political charade are outed. It is my hope that the dots are connected all the way to the Pre-2016 White House. It is my hope that Comey goes to Jail. It is my hope that Brennan goes to jail. It is my hope that McCabe goes to jail. It is my hope that Page goes to jail. It is my hope that Strzok goes to jail. It is my hope that Lynch and Holder go to jail. It is my hope that Rosenstein goes to jail. It is my hope that all the Deep State assholes who participated in this Scheme against the American People pay for what they did.


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

How Stupid is Socialism?


If I had been born in a Socialist-Communist-Marxist-Dictatorship, I could now be marching for hundreds of miles from a far away shit hole country to gain entrance illegally into the Greatest Country That Has Ever Been Imagined. The goal would be to leave my home, my family, and my shit hole country in pursuit of freedom and prosperity and perhaps game the welfare system of my new country. I would be pissing off the citizens of my new home because they have to work and pay taxes because the Democrat Party uses this money to finance their new voter base. So what! I can't stand to live in my home country because of the corruption brought on by the NARCO GOVERNMENT!

I would traverse the desert and cross rivers and walk for what seems to be an eternity. I would cross the boundaries of several shit hole countries and be pushed onward to That Shining City on the Hill...the United States of America. I would have to pay Coyotes thousand of dollars. If I were a child or a woman, I would suffer sexual and physical abuse with no one to police my captors. If I were an orphan, I may be sold into slavery to single men so that they could use me as a pawn to claim asylum so that they could abuse the immigration laws of my new home country.

After the Democrat Party allowed me to enter my new country, I would be caught and released into my new home. I would become a burden on States such as Texas, Arizona, and other Border States. The people their will be begging there Federal Government to stop this asinine process and send me home but the Democrat Party has destroyed any semblance of our Border and they do not give a rats ass about the people who pay their salaries and allow them to sit on their Big Fat Socialist Asses while the United States becomes just another shit hole country. After all, the Socialist Creed declares, if one person lives in a shit hole country then all must live in a shit hole country!

The crazy part of this story is that even the Republican Party has sat on its hands and allowed mass illegal immigration to happen all in the name importing low skilled-low wage workers for corporate profit. One would think the Republicans represent Capitalism but that aint what this is!....THEY ARE COMPLICIT IN A NEW FORM OF SOCIALISM! They are imprisoning their  own people into a life of ObamaCare-Socialism-Marxism-Communism-and very mundane and non-independent lives.

I hope you realize what you are doing to this country. If you do, get out of Trump's way and let him secure the border. Give him the money to Build the Wall so that people like me are not tempted to go through hell on road to purgatory!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Congressman Adam Shit: by Andrew McCreight

Congressman Adam Shit did a total 180 this morning on This Week with George Step on all of us!

The moderator (obviously a main character from the walking dead episodes) ask him if he thought the Mueller Report proved that President Trump should be impeached. Congressman Shit, who has for the last two years said he had evidence that would lead to the removal of Trump from office and/or his impeachment, crawfished! He backed away from Jail Time for Trump. He moved the Democrat Party into a position of weakness by backing away from Impeachment! In other words, Mr. Shit has been lying about the information he had on President Trump!

Congressman Shit, Bob Mueller, Maxine Waters, Elisabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, Schuck Schumer, AOC, Hillary Clinton, Rosenstein, James Comey, Jeff Sessions, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Barrack Obama and all of the other Left Wing dingle berries have lied (little pieces of shit that hang on to Ass Hairs), deceived, manipulated, and committed Treason against the people of the United States of America!

Hey Bitches: We the people are smart enough to identify Congressman Shit when we smell it!

It is time to move on. The Democrats are galvanizing Conservatives, Non-RINOS, and Tparty Patriots. The 2020 election draws nigh and if there are any actual Moderates left in the Voter Pool they most surely are growing tired of the Congressman Shit Parade!


Congressman Shit: YOU STINK!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Rail Stories-Doubing Dayton Hill: by Andy McCreight

One of the more interesting rail stories that I had the pleasure of participating in was the day we had to double the Dayton Hill.

We transferred crews on a loaded 80 car chemical train at Orange Texas. After swapping crews on the fly...the engineer and head brakeman dismounted from the moving train on the rear steps of the lead locomotive...while me and my engineer mounted on the move on the front steps of the locomotive. The conductor and rear brakeman on the inbound crew did the same move from the caboose while our conductor and rear brakeman mounted up on the move also. THE TRAIN NEVER STOPPED WHILE WE TRANSFERRED CREWS! In today's world, this would make Jason's head spin!

Anyway, we traveled through Beaumont Yard and onto the Liberty River Bottom. We did not take a siding to meet any trains because back in the day there were three chemical trains on the gulf coast area that carried the financial burden of the Southern Pacific Railroad and we were on one of them.
But...having said that we were still underpowered to make the climb up Dayton Hill.

As we started down Ames Hill, on the east side of the river bottom, my engineer said "we are not going to make the hill". I asked why? He said that when we start up the hill we would begin to slow and by the time we reached the apex of the Dayton Hill we would stall because of the makeup of our train. We had 80 loads and the train was a short. We would end up strung out on the side of the hill with no rear end slack to help push us up and over the crest of the hill.

So the engineer told is what we are going to do. (I listened because he was an old Hog-Head and I was just a pup as far as railroading tenure goes). He would slow the train down to a get down speed...let me get off on the fly in the middle of the river bottom...We did just that! I got off at about 5 mph or so...I had to make sure that I did not detrain in the middle of a tressel and end up being alligator bait! After detraining the engineer started pulling hard again to make it up the hill as far as he could...He had told me that when the train started to stall that he would set the independent brake and let the slack roll in...That is exactly what he did and when the slack came in enough for me to get a pin, I reached in, turned the angle cock, and made the cut on the fly. About that time, I hear the slack being stretched by the engineer. He started pulling up the hill again, the headend of the train separated from the rear portion that we cut away from and I mounted up on a railcar and we went up the hill! There was no opportunity for a hand brake check or to set up the trainline airbrakes to do a brake securement test. The conductor and rear brakeman were on the caboose and were expected to ensure that the rear portion did not roll back down the hill towards Liberty! (Remember, back during this railroad era very few people had walkie talkies and I was not one of them. We made this move without any radio communications. We had a Job Briefing on the locomotive before I detrained and trusted each other with making the cut on the fly without any verbal communications. If I had stumbled or fell in the river bottom, I would have just been screwed!)

Back during this period there was only a mainline, a north siding, and a couple of storage tracks on the south side of the main track at Dayton. We pulled the headend of the train down the main track, cut away, and proceeded back to the river bottom through the Dayton Siding to retrieve the remainder of our train. We get to the river bottom, couple up to our train, and pull back into the siding. We cut off the rear of the train in the siding, came off lite power, and coupled up to the headend of the train that we had left on the main track. Then we started pulling on the cars, doubled back to the siding, and put the train back together just as it was before we doubled the hill.

Houston we had a problem but now we are high balling home! Honey, tell the kids that daddy is on his way, and tell the milkman he better not be there when I show up!

Monday, March 25, 2019

Mueller Report-Findings and Recommendations: by Andrew MccCreight

The newly released Russian Collusion Report from Robert Mueller should be used as a tool to transition from the ERA of the Witch Hunt to take down a President of the United States to an ERA that pursues Economic Growth and Border Security. These two issues are one in the same. The American Worker has been attacked by the Democrat and Republican Establishment for too long.

During the past several decades the Left has been pursuing Open Borders in an effort to recruit a New Constituency. The Republicans have pursued Open Borders to attract cheap labor for the Corporate World. This dual conspiracy/collusion between the RINO and JACKASS political population has cost American Jobs and Reduced wages and benefits. The act of encouraging illegal immigrants to come to this country has been a concerted effort to bring down the Standard of Living of the American Worker.

Back to the Mueller Report: RINOS and JACKASSES stop with the unwarranted attack on a President that was elected by the American Workers. We saw him as a way to stem the tide of Socialism-Marxism-Communism that was being championed by the Obama Administration. We saw him as a way to reverse the take over of our Health Care System by a Left Wing and RINO government. The left pursued the take over to provide FREE HEALTH CARE to its new illegal alien voter base and the Republican Establishment pursued the take over to move the financing of Corporate Health Care for its employees to the Government arena; thereby placing the burden on the American Worker.

It is time for our country to move forward. Stop spending tax payer dollars on stupid none crime  producing investigation. I would have been most appreciative to personally receive the 25 million dollars that was wasted on the Special Counsel, especially since it was a contrived effort by the Deep State to Take Down a Presidential Candidate who became The President of the United States!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

TRUMP-2020: by Andrew McCreight

The most important issue for the country in the upcoming 2020 presidential election is Border Security. President Trump has found the one subject that most Americans agree upon. BUILD THE WALL! BUILD THE WALL! BUILD THE WALL!.

The democrats are gambling that they will ensure the future of their Party via the illegal alien invasion of our Southern Border. The democrats think that they will dilute the Capitalistic foundation that the United States was built upon. They think that the citizens of the country are for redistribution of wealth. They think that the people are far Socialism. They believe that Americans are for Communism. They think that people are far Marxism. They are CRAZY!

The people of the United States are going to send the Democrat Party a message come 2020!


We do want Border Security. We do want President Trump to build the wall. We do want President Trump to take out the Venezuelan Dictator. We do want South America to Prosper. We do not want to pay for the health care of illegal immigrants. We do not want tent cities full of people who are claiming Asylum because their home country leaders are creating such dismal living conditions for it's people. We do want a change in immigration laws. We do want ICE to have the ability to deport people who come into this country illegally. We do want an end to Chain Migration. We do want a change to the 14th amendment. We do not want Birth Right Citizenship. We do want an end to the Democrat Party's policies that allow our country to be overrun with future Democrat voters. We will not allow the Democrat Party to change our way of life for the sole purpose of creating a failed Socialist-Communist-Marxists Utopia!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Beaumont Straightaway-Part Two: by Andy McCreight

We have our train orders and are proceeding down the main track. We are authorized to hold the main track from Tower 87 to the east end of Devers Siding. The engineer has the locomotives in throttle 8 and we are tugging along at 25 mph. It is a miracle that we have reached that speed.

We are traveling on flat ground heading towards the San Jacinto river bottom. We somehow make it down the west side of river bottom and creep up the east side waving at the automobile traffic sitting at FM2100 waiting on us to clear the hill.

Next we are back up to 25mph or so and headed to Dayton Texas. The train order operator calls us on the engine radio and tells us that she has copied a new train order from the dispatcher. In those days we had train order operators at most sidings so that a train could receive authority from the train dispatcher to advance beyond the authority from a previously copied train order. The train order operator was essentially a stenographer and typed up several copies of the train order on thin sheets of multiple layered yellow paper in order for the engineer (who was on the locomotive) and the conductor ( who was on the caboose to receive exactly the same information that was copied by the train order operator. The engineer and head brakeman would review their copy and the conductor and the rear brakeman would review their copy. The engineer and conductor would converse on the radio and confirm that everybody was literally on the same page as far a where our main track authority ended.

The process for picking up the train order was the same on each end of the train. As we passed the Dayton Train Order Station, the engineer would lean out the window of the locomotive and stick his arm out far enough to catch the order from a pole that had a V shaped contraption that had a string on the V with the orders tied to a string. The were two round sticks on the back side of the V attached to pole. The front of the V was open so that when the engineer put his arm through the V he would snatch the string and orders leaving the remainder of the V attached to the train order pole. The conductor process was the same. What an antiquated way to advance a train from one point to the next. In this instance, the new train orders gave us authority to pass the east end of Devers Siding and proceed to Beaumont yard.

Now we start down Dayton Hill towards the liberty river bottom. It will be a hard pull up Ames Hill on the other side of the river bottom. As we head up the Ames Hill we start to decelerate rapidly, hoping that we make the hill. Just as we are beginning to give up on the idea of pulling the hill we feel the rear half of our train slack run in and it helps to push us up and over the hill. As the slack runs in the engineer moves his speed selector to throttle 8 and the Locomotives are Bawling Jack! (they are screaming as the engineer gets every ounce of power he can muster)!

An hour or so later we are pulling into Beaumont Yard. Someone has lined into the yard so that we don't have to stop because we all have doubts that we could get the train moving again. As we approach the east end of the yard it is obvious that a switch engine crew has lined us up on that end. We pull in track 1. The conductor uses the caboose radio to stop us in the clear. I had detrained on the fly and was at the cut. When the engineer stopped I reached in and closed the angle cock (no red-zone). I gave the engineer a hand signal for the pin. He shoved the slack to me and I pulled the pin. I signaled the Hog Head to pull ahead over the switch. (engineers were called hog heads in those days-if you saw most of them you would understand the terminology). After stopping over the switch, I signaled the engineer that we were lined up for track 2 and he shoved the remainder of our train in the clear. The rear brakeman was on the rear of the track watching us shove and he relayed to the conductor, with hand signals, information about how much room was left in the track and when to tell the engineer to stop his shove. 

After shoving the double over into track 2, I reached in and closed the angle cock behind the locomotives and got a pin from the engineer. I used hand signals to tell the engineer to pull ahead over the lead switch. We called the Round House Forman on the locomotive radio and asked him where to spot the locomotives. We  pulled into the roundhouse, tied the power down, and went to the hotel for an 8 hour rest period before being called by the crew caller for our westbound train back to Houston. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


It is time for President Trump to make Venezuela Great Again!

The United States can no longer allow the Venezuelan Dictator to starve, jail, or execute his people. This is becoming a crime against humanity. The United States cannot become part of this atrocity by omission. We cannot sit idly by and allow our brothers and sisters in Venezuela to be treated like human fodder.

I am hereby ordering President Trump to begin a food-medicine military air campaign to assist the people Venezuela! Instead of dropping 150 billion dollars in cash like we did to Iran, I want a massive air drop to commence immediately in Venezuela. I want food and supplies dropped in such a massive amount that the Thug Government of Venezuela cannot keep the commodities from reaching the citizenry of Venezuela.

I am also  advocating assisting the resistance in Venezuela with any and all weaponry that will allow the President of  Venezuela to be removed. It is time that Capitalism show it's might! It is time for the President of the United States to show the world that Socialism only benefits the rich and the common people suffer! It is time to Contrast and Compare Socialism and Capitalism!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Train Stories-Beaumont Straight Away: by Andy McCreight

I was called on duty for the Beaumont Straight Away. A train that originated at Houston and terminated at Beaumont Yard. We came on duty at Hardy Street. We got our locomotives out of the Round House and proceeded to the Hardy Street Caboose Track. Back in the day (1979) we gathered up our Power and Caboose at Hardy Street and headed down the mainline to Englewood Yard.

Along the way we passed Tower 26 and Tower 68. Both were occupied by operators who controlled the signals between Hardy Street and the West End of Englewood. As we approached the north yard, we ducked inside the yard to Cab our train. Back in the day we had three trainmen on all trains and switch engines. In this particular case, we had to drop our caboose on the train. One man was positioned at the switch that accessed the track to the rear end of our train. One man was on the footboard of the locomotive. The Conductor was on the ground giving signals. He would raise his hand above his head and give the High Ball to the Engineer. The Engineer would throttle up to about ten miles per hour. The trainman on the footboard would give him the easy signal, the slack would run in and then he highballed the engineer. The engineer would throttle up again separating from the caboose. The trainman at the switch would allow the locomotive to travel down the lead and line the switch behind the locomotive and put the caboose in the hole against our train. This is termed a Gravity Drop. This move is not allowed in today's railroad world. Probably a little too dangerous and complicated for today's railroaders.

Now that we have cabbed our train we move on down the main track  to the east end of the yard to put the locomotives on our train. About midway down the main track we drop off the rear brakeman at the old tunnel that used to run underneath the yard from Liberty Road to the north bowl trim shanty. The brakeman would walk under the yard thru the tunnel. It was dimly lit, sometimes water puddled in the walkway, and we were always blessed with a couple of big rats along the way. Anyway, after traversing the tunnel the brakeman would emerge at a speaker that was used to communicate with the yardmaster as to which track our train was built. He would remain there until we put our power on the track and we were ready to close the puzzle, completing the process of putting our train together. The term puzzle actually described the switch that controlled access to middle of the yard. The switch could be lined for straight away movement or it could be lined to go left and right while traveling up the switching lead. It reduced the footage of track necessary to make these multiple moves. It was a sight to behold!

Now we arrive at the east end of the yard. The conductor goes in the yard office to get the paper work for our train. I was the head brakeman and proceeded to tie the power on our train. We would let the yardmaster know that we had tied on and pumped up the air brakes and were ready close the puzzle. (Not very many trainman had hand held walkie talkies at this point in our railroad careers.) After notifying the yardmaster with the radio on the locomotive, he would contact the rear brakeman on the speaker at the trim shanty and instruct him to close the puzzle on the track.

After lining the puzzle switch, the rear brakeman would use a fuse at night to give the engineer a backup signal to couple the headend of the train to the rear end of the train. During the day, we would use a large white paper object or a fuse. Next, the engineer would pump up the airbrake system to the appropriate amount. A carman would check the air gauge on the caboose and using the radio on the cab tell the engineer to set the brakes. He would ensure that the brakes set on the rear car and tell the engineer to release the brakes. If the airbrake system worked appropriately, he would let the engineer know that his brake system worked.

Now comes the Hi Ball from the Yardmaster. He would give us authority to leave the yard. The departure went pretty smooth on most trains but the Beaumont Straight away was always under powered and consisted of too many rail cars (tonnage). Sometimes the car count was near 200. Many times we could not pull the cars with the locomotives assigned to the train. When that happened, the yardmaster would tell a switch engine crew to come against the rear of our train and help push us out of the yard. The switch engine would help get us going about 10mph or so, the engineer would power up and give the switchman some slack so that he could cut away from our train, and away we would go!

to be continued...….

Client-Lawyer Privilege: by Andrew McCreight

After watching Cohen testify before Congress, I pondered, how is what came out of his mouth even legal. If I  had a lawyer with whom I had retained to represent me, I would expect that legal remedies would be available to me in case he divulged any conversations, information, or advice that was communicated between my lawyer and me! I don't understand how Cohen could have provided any lawyer/client testimony to Congress, Mueller, or in any Court proceedings. I can only suppose that since he has been disbarred that he has abandoned his moral and legal obligations to protect his client!

Having said the above I would advise Cohen to shut up, serve his time, and move on with his life. Also, I can only hope that Big Bubba makes him sing and compose when they slam the prison door behind this piece of excrement!

The actions of the Democrat Committee Leadership today was despicable. We all know what the Hearing was about. It was the beginning of the 2020 Presidential Campaign against President Donald Trump.

Dear Democrats:

Your tactics will not work. We the Trump Nation will, unlike Cohen, take a bullet for Donald Trump! He will be re-elected in 2020 and we will put the Democrat-Socialist-Communist-Marxist Party in the rear view political mirror. Perhaps witnessing the Democrat Party completely destroying its credibility with the American People!

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Liberty Dispatch Reader Request

Dear Liberty Dispatch, Would you please send out a get well wish for Texas Ranger Frank Huff...? I heard he was in the hospital. He and his family are on our prayer list. Thank you,

Monday, February 18, 2019

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Derailed on the Rabbit! by Andrew McCreight

In the early 1980's, while riding the Rabbit between Houston and Lufkin on a northbound freight train, the unexpected happened.

I was working the caboose and a friend of mine was working the head end. As we were highballing thru Livingston Texas our train went into emergency. The routine in this situation was that the Head Brakeman started walking back towards the rear of the train and the Rear Brakemen started his trek from the rear to the headend. We did just that!

After meeting about halfway, we were perplexed about what happened. We could hear the trainline air supply started to pump up indicating that the trainline was still in tact. So what the heck happened?

My fellow trainman and I continued to survey the condition of our train and we noticed that a box car was leaning slightly and the main line had a little dog leg...a sort of U shape! We got to looking around for a causation and discovered a deep ditch was full of Bulk Head Pulp Wood Cars with Loaded Rock Hoppers on top of them! It was a mess!

Later it was determined that someone had taken the Hand Brakes off of the cars in the runaround and apparently enough of the air brakes on the cars bled off to allow the cars to roll. As we were going by the runaround, the vibration of our train initiated movement of the cars and they rolled into the side of our train and the cars piled up in the ditch.

I suppose we should consider ourselves lucky. If the cars had rolled out prior to our arrival, we would have hit them head on!

Is the Democrat Leadership Scared of Trump? by Andrew McCreight

President Trump invited both the Democrats and Republicans to come to a meeting at the White House to discuss the Government Shutdown. The only ones that showed were the Republicans...NOT ONE DEMOCRAT SHOWED UP!

I can only imagine that Chuck Pelosi and Nancy Schumer were behind this boycott of the meeting that could have Opened the Government back up and put our Federal Workers back to work.

Trump stood his ground concerning the Wall and took on the responsibility of a government shutdown to make a point but the Democrats are the ones responsible for prolonging the financial disparities that the government employees are undergoing!

He Nancy and Chuck...DON'T BE SCARED OF TRUMP! Go to the meetings!

Senate Attorney General Confirmation Hearing: by Andrew McCreight

William Barr was nominated by President Trump for the position of Attorney General of the United States of America.

First look, he carried himself very well during the Senate Confirmation Hearing today.
He seems as though he will bring some gravitas to the position and did not start off his tenure as attorney general from a position of weakness like Jeff Sessions did! Good riddance Jeff!

During the hearing Kamala Harris helped to justify President Trump's call for building a security wall on our Southern Border. Senator Harris repeatedly said that there is a national crisis when it comes to our people suffering from drug addiction and ending up dead or in prison. I applaud the fact that she recognized the plight of our fellow citizens.

Reports indicate that 90% of our drug problem emanates from Mexico South. President Trump should use the testimony of Senator Kamala Harris to justify his authority to impose Marshall Law along our Southern Border and use funding from whatever source necessary to BUILD THE WALL!

Mr. Trump, if the democrats are to arrogant to act and will not protect this citizenry of our country, then; I hereby authorize you to pull the trigger and declare a national emergency and protect our country!