Breitbart News

Monday, November 2, 2009

Dear Editor,

I am retired and a long time conservative and local taxpayer. I have observed local politics and local politicians for years and years ago was excited to see someone stand up and run on principle as a Republican. I helped Judge Prater back in the day and was proud when people in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s began to proclaim that they “ were not leaving the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party had left them.” That was so true back then when almost every true conservative in Texas began to bail out of a left turning Democratic Party. Governor John Connally, Senator Phil Gramm, Rick Perry, etc. etc. etc. I gave a little money and put up a few signs for some of those men and Judge Prater.

I was very disappointed that very few people joined the Judge here in Liberty County at that time. Some said they were Republicans at heart but they would have to run in the Democratic Party to win. But I was glad to see the Republican Party in Liberty County began to field candidates to run against incumbents. When people like Bob Rader decided to run as a Republican over in Liberty, I admired their consistency and their integrity in running in the party that had their principles instead of just trying to win anyway they could.

I am writing to you sir because I now see the kind of stuff that really makes politicians have the bad reputation they have. Democratic Commissioner, my commissioner, Norman Brown is announcing he is switching parties and saying what men (real men) said THIRTY YEARS ago, “I am not leaving the Democratic Party, they left me”. Brown is nearly eighty years old and he knew what the Democratic Party was three years ago and he chose to run as one of them. In fact I have heard him extol the “many virtues” of his party. He has been proud of his party affiliation. Nothing has changed in that party in the last three years. The party changed over a quarter of a century ago. If someone wants to change parties, that is fine. But this is a phony politician making a phony claim. Brown saw his party rejected in the last election and he is changing parties for personal gain, not because of the bogus reasons he gave.

True conservatives better get ready and sign up candidates to run against people like this in the Republican primary unless they believe a leopard can change his spots.

Tired of Politicians Who Lie


Anonymous said...

Iam sick and tired of corrupt Liberty Judges and polititions!

I wish the FBI would come in and arrest the whole lot.

Anonymous said...

Brown, a Republican? You have got to be kidding me!

Anonymous said...

They also need to arrest this bunch at the Hospital District.

Anonymous said...

I am wonder how many people could pass a civics exam when I see comments that say people that run for office as a Democrat or Republican have no relationship to politicians in Austin and Washington. Parties are organizations they are connected by a set of values expressed in the party platform and they are quick to help those in their party and slow to help those who are not. If a county elects all or most of their elected officials from one party, then the Governor and the President and anyone else that knows politics views that county as one that is connected at the hip with the party that dominates. Countywide candidates are the very people who rise up and become Statewide and nationwide candidates. IF IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE THEN WHY IS COMMISSIONER BROWN SWITCHING PARTIES AND BECOMING A REPUBLICAN AND fRANK jORDAN RUNNING AS A DEMOCRAT.

Anonymous said...

I hear Eric Latz is switching to the Republican party to.....what say you Lester Ray? Come one come all?

Anonymous said...

Norman Brown encouraged people to run and to vote Democratic. Can someone explain to me what has changed since he did that? Is it because he hates blacks and Obama is now the leader of the party? Didn't Brown court the black vote to get elected?

Anonymous said...

I pity the fool who tries to get passed the County Chair Lester Wisegerber to run against his pal! We have seen this before. It doesn't matter how Wise gerber has spun it, it is not right and it will cause more people to be split in the Republican party. The sad thing is someone who is a real Republican needs to run against Brown and someone who is willing to work to elect just Republicans needs to run against Lester.